(* Apologies for any cross-postings. *)

[New deadline 29 February 2016,
submission deadline extended by a week.
Consider contributing.]


                           CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

  22nd International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs,
                               TYPES 2016
                             23-26 May 2016
                            Novi Sad, Serbia



The TYPES meetings are a forum to present new and on-going work in all
aspects of type theory and its applications, especially in formalized
and computer assisted reasoning and computer programming. 

The TYPES areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics;
* Homotopy type theory;
* Applications of type theory;
* Dependently typed programming;
* Industrial uses of type theory technology;
* Meta-theoretic studies of type systems;
* Proof assistants and proof technology;
* Automation in computer-assisted reasoning;
* Links between type theory and functional programming;
* Formalizing mathematics using type theory.

We encourage talks proposing new ways of applying type theory. In the 
spirit of workshops, talks may be based on newly published papers, work 
submitted for publication, but also work in progress.


Simon Gay (University of Glasgow)
Dale Miller (INRIA Saclay & LIX École Polytechnique)
Simona Ronchi della Rocca (Universitā di Torino)


We solicit contributed talks based on extended abstracts/short papers of 
2 pages prepared in LaTeX and formatted with easychair.cls. The submission 
site is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=types2016.

Important Dates:

* submission of abstracts:                    29 February 2016 (extended)
* notification of acceptance:                21 March 2016
* camera-ready version of abstracts: 11 April 2016

Camera-ready versions of the accepted contributions will be published 
in an informal book of abstracts for distribution at the workshop.


Similarly to earlier TYPES conferences, we intend to publish a
post-proceedings volume in the Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPiCS) series. Submission to that volume would be open for
everyone. Tentative submission deadline: October 2016.


The conference will be held at the University of Novi Sad, University 
Central Building.

SATELLITE EVENT: The 9th Workshop Computational Logic and Applications - 
CLA 2016 will be held on May 27-28, 2016.


Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham)
Zena Ariola (University of Oregon)
Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
Marc Bezem (University of Bergen)
Malgorzata Biernacka (University of Wroclaw)
Edwin Brady (University of St Andrews)
Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg)
Jose Espirito Santo (University of Minho)
Ken-etsu Fujita (Gunma University)
Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad) (co-chair)
Hugo Herbelin (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
Jelena Ivetic  (University of Novi Sad) (co-chair)
Marina Lenisa (University of Udine)
Elaine Pimentel (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
Andrew Polonsky (University Paris Diderot)
Jakob Rehof (Technical University of Dortmund)
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (University of Bologna)
Carsten Schürmann (IT University of Copenhagen)
Dieter Spreen (University of Siegen)
Wouter Swierstra (Utrecht University)
Nicolas Tabareau (INRIA)
Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology)


Marc Bezem, Herman Geuvers (chair), Hugo Herbelin, Zhaohui Luo, Ralph 
Matthes, Bengt Nordström, Andrew Polonsky, Aleksy Schubert, Tarmo Uustalu.


The TYPES meetings from 1990 to 2008 were annual workshops of a sequence of 
five EU funded networking projects. Since 2009, TYPES has been run as 
an independent conference series. Previous TYPES meetings were held in
Antibes (1990), Edinburgh (1991), Båstad (1992), Nijmegen (1993),
Båstad (1994), Torino (1995), Aussois (1996), Kloster Irsee (1998),
Lökeberg (1999), Durham (2000), Berg en Dal near Nijmegen (2002),
Torino (2003), Jouy en Josas near Paris (2004), Nottingham (2006),
Cividale del Friuli (2007), Torino (2008), Aussois (2009), Warsaw
(2010), Bergen (2011), Toulouse (2013), Paris (2014), Tallinn (2015).

University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Technical Sciences
Mathematical Institute SASA

CONTACT: types2016@uns.ac.rs
