スワンジー大学のAnton Setzer先生の講演のお知らせです。
石原 哉
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学研究科
e-mail: ishihara(a)jaist.ac.jp
* JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
* This seminar is held as a part of the EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions IRSES
COMPUTAL (http://computal.uni-trier.de/) and CORCON (http://corcon.net/).
Date: Thursday 22 January, 2015, 15:10-16:40
Place: JAIST, Collaboration room 6 (I-57g)
(Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/location/access.html)
Speaker: Anton Setzer (Swansea University)
Title: Extraction of programs from proofs using postulated axioms
(joint work with Chi Ming Chuang)
In this talk we discuss how to extract programs from
proofs with postulated axioms in dependent type theory.
Since type theory has constructive logic, it is easy
to determine for every $\Pi_2$-statement a function
$f$ which determines the witness from the input.
However, in the presence of postulated axioms, this
function applied to an argument
doesn't reduce necessarily to constructor head normal
form, which means it doesn't produce a value.
In this talk we discuss conditions which guarantee
that the extracted function provide values in the presence of
postulated axioms, and give a proof.
This methodology will be applied to the extraction
of alogrithms for exact real number computations.
For this purpose the signed digit reals are introduced
as a coalgebraic data type, and it is shown that the signed digit
reals are closed under average, multiplication
and rational numbers. Proofs have been carried
out in the theorem prover Agda and the resulting
programs can be executed effectively in this
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Regarding conflicts among religions and between religion and science, and
regarding the 1st World Congress on Logic and Religion
http://www.uni-log.org/logic-and-religion.html, I would inform you of the
paper entitled ``MATHEMATICAL THEOLOGY: A Proscience Concept of God with a
Mathematical Model'' http://homepage3.nifty.com/gomiken/english/mathpsy.htm.
I believe that it contributes to promoting harmony among religions and
reconciling religion and science toward omniscience.
Would you support it by forwarding this mail to your acquaintances who would
be interested?
With kind regards,
The original sender: Kensaku Gomi, a retired professor of the Graduate
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo.
Third Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science
NLCS '15
July 5, 2015
Kyoto, Japan
A workshop affiliated with 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2015) and 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2015)
Endorsed by the Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics
Paper submission deadline: April 2, 2015
Formal tools coming from logic and category theory are important in both natural language semantics and in computational semantics. Moreover, work on these tools borrows heavily from all areas of theoretical computer science. In the other direction, applications having to do with natural language has inspired developments on the formal side. The workshop invites papers on both topics. Specific topics includes, but are not limited to:
• logic for semantics of lexical items, sentences, discourse and dialog
• continuations in natural language semantics
• formal tools in textual inference, such as logics for natural language inference
• applications of category theory in semantics
• linear logic in semantics
• formal approaches to unifying data-driven and declarative approaches to semantics
Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics
Gerard de Melo, Tsinghua University
• Heather Burnett, Université de Toulouse 2
• Robin Cooper, University of Gothenburg
• Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Communications
• Tim Fernando, Trinity College
• Nissim Francez, The Technion
• Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics
• Larry Moss, Indiana University
• Aarne Ranta, University of Gothenburg
• Christian Retoré, Université de Montpellier
Extended abstracts of up to 10 pages may be submitted through Easychair:
Valeria de Paiva
Email: Valeria.dePaiva at nuance .com
Makoto Kanazawa
National Institute of Informatics
Email: kanazawa at nii.ac.jp
Larry Moss
Indiana University
Email: lsm at cs.indiana . edu
Paper submission deadline: April 2, 2015
Author notification: May 1, 2015
Electronic versions of papers due: May 14, 2015
Workshop: July 5, 2015
From: jean-yves beziau [mailto:jyb.logician@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 3:44 AM
To: Kensaku GOMI
Forwarded to: Logic-ml
Subject: UNILOG'2015 in Istanbul and 10th PLS in Samos Island
Hope to see you at the 5th UNILOG -
World Congress and School on Universal Logic to happen in Istanbul, June 20-30, 2015
As indicated in our website:
The event is organized in combination with the 10th Panhellenic Logic Symposium that will happen June 11-15, 2015 in Samos Island, where Pythagoras was born.
A travel by bus from the nearby port of Kusadasi in Turkey up to Istanbul will be organized with stops on famous historical sites: Ephesus, Troy, etc. Special arrangements will exist for participants who wish to attend both conferences.
I am sending you attached the posters for UNILOG'2015 and the related contest "The Future of Logic".
I would be glad if you can print them (colour A3) and post them at your university /institute
or if you prefer I can send them to you by post (then send me your exact mailing address)
I wish you a happy new year 2015
Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor-in-Chief - Logica Universalis
Latest Issue
Scope of Logic Theorems - In Memoriam Adolf Lindenbaum
哲学、論理、計算、ソフトウエア科学基礎論、論理 の認知・神経科学に関わる
きます。 慶應義塾大学哲学専 攻 岡田光弘
“Logical Inference and Proofs” Franco-Japanese Interdisciplinary
Workshop Jan 12-13^th “論理推論と証明”学際ワークショップ (1 月12
(http://abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp/ilip2015/ )
論理推論と証明に関する, 論 理哲学、計算機科学、認知・神経科学などの学際
的研究集会を案内させていただきます。(With Logic, Philosophy, Computer
Science, Neuroscience, cognitive Science) 参加自由です。
(慶応大三田キャンパス、 Mita Campus, KeioUniversity)
日時:2015年1月12日(月)13:00*〜18:00 / 13日(火) 10:00*〜16:00
Date: January 12th (13:00-18:00) /13th (10:00-17:00), 201
東館6階G-Sec Lab ()
Place: G-Sec Lab, 6th Floor of East Research Building
Mita campus of Keio University. http://www.keio.ac.jp/en/maps/mita.html
(* 開始時間変更の可能性あり.プログラムは
(ゲスト講演者リストやプログラム, abstracts情 報はイベントページ
http://ctj.keio.ac.jp/news/14 に アップデートされます.)
「Logical Inference集 会参加希望」と件名を記したメールを事務局
logic(a)abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp 宛 に1/10 までにお送りください。
(※12日 セッション終了後のレセプションも参加自由です。)
Pierre Wagner ( University of Paris I and Institute of History and
Philosophy of Science)) 論理哲学
Jean-Baptiste Joinet( University of Lyon III and Jean-Cavaiiles
Institute, ENS-Paris )論理哲学
Gilles Dowek (INRIA-Coq-Team Leader)タイプ理論・Coqシ ステム
Jérôme Prado(University of Lyon I―CNRS Language-Brain-Cognition
Alberto Naibo (University of Paris I and Institute of History and
Philosophy of Science) 証明と計算の論理
Philippe Codognet (CNRS-Tokyo Joint Lab Director, and University of
Paris VI) 計算機科学
Shigeru Watanabe (Psychology, Keio University) 比較認知神経科学
Kazushige Terui (Mathematical Science Institute, Kyoto University) 情報
Koji Mineshima (Center for Simulation Science, Ochanomizu University)
Tentative Program and tentative topics (See the conference website for
further updated information.)
1月12日(月)12th Jan. (Mon)
Session on Proofs and Computation
Baptiste-Joinet (Computatonal basis of semantics)
Kazushige Terui (TBA)
Pierre Wagner (Logical Pluralism)
Gilles Dowek (Proof, type and Computation)
Discussion (Discussion coordinator Phillipe Codognet
Discussant Mitsuhiro Okada and others. To be announced.
18:30PM Reception
1月13日(火)13^th Jan. (Tue)
Session on Logic and Types
Alberto Naibo (Typed vs untyped proof theory)
Koji Mineshima (Type theory and natural language)
Discussion (Discussion coordinator, Mitsuhiro Okada)
Discussants to be announced.
12:30AM-14:00PM Lunch Break
Session on Logical Inference and Cognition
Shigeru Watanabe (Comparative Cognitive-Neuroscientific Study of logical
Jerome Prado (Brain Imaging Study of Logical Inference)
Yuri Sato (Cognitive Scientific Study of Logical Inference)
Concluding Discussion (Discussion Coordinator Pierre Wagner)
Discussants to be announced.
17:30PM Closing
主催:慶應義塾大学 「思考と行動判断」 の 研究拠点
後援:慶應義塾大学 論理と感性のグローバル研究センター
後援:慶応義塾 「論理思考の次世代型研究と論理的思考力、発達支援への応用
後援: 新学術領域「予測と意思決定の論理と計算
(Apologies for cross-posting)
Final Call for Participation
42nd TRS Meeting
February 7 - 9, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop
that aims at promoting the research on term rewriting and related areas.
Every participant is highly encouraged to present recent works possibly
in progress. It is perfectly acceptable to explain a paper written by
someone else.
Date: February 7th (Sat) – 9th (Mon), 2015
Venue: Harumi Grand Hotel
8-1, Harumi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0053 Japan
Lodging fees: 31812 yen (2 nights, non-smoking 2 persons' shared room)
(breakfasts, banquet (Sat), lunch (Sun), dinner (Sun) included)
Tentative Schedule:
Meeting: Feb 7 (Sat) 14:00 - Feb 9 (Mon) 12:00
Banquet: Feb 7 (Sat)
Deadline: January 5 (Mon), 2015
Please fill in the following registration form and send it to Naohi
Eguchi (neguchi [at] g.math.s.chiba-u.ac.jp) by e-mail. (Items marked
with * can be sent later)
Registration Form of the 42nd TRS Meeting
* title of talk:
* approximate duration of talk (15 - 60 minutes):
hotel reservation: (A)/(B)
(A) Please accommodate me at Harumi Grand Hotel.
February 7 (Sat): yes/no
February 8 (Sun): yes/no
additional request:
(In case of partial accommodation)
lunch (Sun): yes/no
(B) I will attend without accommodation.
February 7 (Sat): yes/no
February 8 (Sun): yes/no
February 9 (Mon): yes/no
banquet (Sat): yes/no
lunch (Sun): yes/no
In case of participation without accommodation:
Registration fees: 2376 yen /day (for the use of meeting room)
Banquet (Sat): 6000 yen
Lunch (Sun): 1296 yen
Further information can be found at the website of the meeting.
42nd TRS Meeting - Registration
[Please circulate. Apologies for cross-postings.]
WoLLIC 2015
22nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
July 20th-23rd, 2015
Bloomington, IN, USA
Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL)
The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL)
Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, USA
Program in Pure and Applied Logic, Indiana University, USA
Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, USA
WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twenty-second WoLLIC will be held at the Department of Computer Science Indiana University, from July 20th to 23rd, 2015. It is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. Typical but not exclusive areas of interest are: foundations of computing and programming; novel computation models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and belief; proof mining, type theory, effective learnability; formal methods in software and hardware development; logical approach to natural language and reasoning; logics of programs, actions and resources; foundational aspects of information organization, search, flow, sharing, and protection; foundations of mathematics; philosophical logic. Proposed contributions should be in English, and consist of a scholarly exposition accessible to the non-specialist, including motivation, background, and comparison with related works. They must not exceed 10 pages (in font 10 or higher), with up to 5 additional pages for references and technical appendices. The paper's main results must not be published or submitted for publication in refereed venues, including journals and other scientific meetings. It is expected that each accepted paper be presented at the meeting by one of its authors. Papers must be submitted electronically at the WoLLIC 2015 EasyChair website. (Please go to http://wollic.org/wollic2015/instructions.html <http://wollic.org/wollic2015/instructions.html> for instructions.) A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Feb 8, 2015, and the full paper by Feb 15, 2015 (firm date). Notifications are expected by Mar 22, 2015, and final papers for the proceedings will be due by Apr 5, 2015 (firm date).
The proceedings of WoLLIC 2015, including both invited and contributed papers, will be published in advance of the meeting as a volume in Springer's LNCS series. In addition, abstracts will be published in the Conference Report section of the Logic Journal of the IGPL, and selected contributions will be published as a special post-conference WoLLIC 2015 issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, CUP (to be confirmed).
Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute, USA)
John Harrison (Intel, USA)
Peter Jipsen (Chapman U, USA)
Andre Joyal (U du Québec à Montreal, Canada)
Chung-chieh Shan (Indiana U, USA)
Alexandra Silva (Radboud U Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Queen Mary, UK)
ASL sponsorship of WoLLIC 2015 will permit ASL student members to apply for a modest travel grant (deadline: May 1st, 2015). See http://www.aslonline.org/studenttravelawards.html <http://www.aslonline.org/studenttravelawards.html> for details.
Feb 8, 2015: Paper title and abstract deadline
Feb 15, 2015: Full paper deadline
Mar 22, 2015: Author notification
Apr 5, 2015: Final version deadline (firm)
Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles <https://risweb.st-andrews.ac.uk/portal/da/persons/juliana-kuster-filipe-bow…> (U St Andrews, Scotland)
Guillaume Brunerie <http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/brunerie/> (ENS Ulm, France) (TBC)
Ann Copestake <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~aac10/> (U Cambridge, UK) (TBC)
Robin Cooper <http://www.ling.gu.se/~cooper/> (U Gothenburg, Sweden)
Nikos Galatos <http://web.cs.du.edu/~ngalatos/>(U Denver, USA)
Achim Jung <http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axj/> (U Birmingham, UK)
Sara <http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/people/sara_kalvala/> Kalvala <http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/people/sara_kalvala/> (U Warwick, UK)
Elham Kashefi <http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/people/staff/Elham_Kashefi.html> (Edinburgh U, Scotland)
Peter Lefanu Lumsdaine <http://www.math.ias.edu/~plumsdaine/> (Institute for Advanced Study, USA)
Ian Mackie <http://www.ianmackie.com/> (U Sussex, UK)
Gerard de Melo <http://gerard.demelo.org/> (Tsinghua University, China)
Vivek Nigam <http://www.nigam.info/> (Federal U of Paraíba, Brazil)
Valeria de Paiva <http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~vdp/> (Nuance Comm, USA) (CHAIR)
Luiz Carlos
<http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4783548E2> Pereira <http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4783548E2> (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Elaine Pimentel <https://sites.google.com/site/elainepimentel/> (Federal U of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
Alexandra Silva <http://alexandrasilva.org/> (Radboud Nijmegen U, The Netherlands)
Carolyn Talcott <http://www.sri.com/about/people/carolyn-talcott> (SRI International, USA)
Josef Urban <http://cs.ru.nl/~urban/> (Radboud Nijmegen U, The Netherlands)
Laure Vieu <http://www.irit.fr/~Laure.Vieu/> (IRIT-Toulouse, France) (TBC)
Renata Wasserman <http://www.ime.usp.br/~renata/> (U São Paulo, Brazil)
Anna Zamansky <http://mailng.hevra.haifa.ac.il/~annazam/> (U Haifa, Israel)
Samson Abramksy, Johan van Benthem, Anuj Dawar, Joe Halpern, Wilfrid Hodges, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Daniel Leivant, Leonid Libkin, Angus Macintyre, Luke Ong, Hiroakira Ono, Ruy de Queiroz.
Daniel Leivant (Indiana U) (Local co-chair)
Larry Moss (Indiana U) (Local co-chair)
Anjolina G. de Oliveira (U Fed Pernambuco)
Ruy de Queiroz (U Fed Pernambuco) (co-chair)
Contact one of the Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee.
http://wollic.org/wollic2015/ <http://wollic.org/wollic2015/>