Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce two talks given by visitors to
our group: Georgios Fainekos (tomorrow) on cyber-physical
systems; and Liang-Ting Chen (Wed) on categorical and coalgebraic
logic. No registration is needed; see you there!
Best regards,
Ichiro Hasuo
Group MMM, University of Tokyo
Tue 17 Jun 2014, 13:00-14:00
Georgios Fainekos <> (Arizona State
Temporal Logic Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems
理学部7号館1階 102教室 Room 102, School of Science Bldg. No. 7
アクセス: (一番下)
Access: (see bottom)
One of the important challenges in the Model Based Development (MBD) of
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is the problem of verifying functional system
properties. In its general form, the verification problem is undecidable
due to the interplay between continuous and discrete system dynamics. In
this talk, we present the bounded-time temporal logic testing and
verification problem for CPS. Temporal logics can formally capture both
state-space and real-time system requirements. For example, temporal logics
can mathematically state requirements like "whenever the system switches to
first gear, then it should not switch back to second gear within 2.5sec".
Our approach in tackling this challenging problem is to convert the
verification problem into an optimization problem through a notion of
robustness for temporal logics. The robust interpretation of a temporal
logic specification over a CPS trajectory quantifies "how much" the system
trajectory satisfies or does not satisfy the specification. In general, the
resulting optimization problem is non-convex and non-linear, the utility
function is not known is closed-form and the search space is uncountable.
Thus, stochastic search techniques are employed in order to solve the
resulting optimization problem. We have implemented our testing and
verification framework into a Matlab (TM) toolbox called S-TaLiRo (System's
TemporAl LogIc Robustness). In this talk, we demonstrate that S-TaLiRo can
provide answers to challenge problems from the automotive and medical
device industries.
Georgios Fainekos is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing,
Informatics and Decision Systems (SCIDSE) Engineering at Arizona State
University (ASU). He is director of the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab and he
is currently affiliated with the Center for Embedded Systems at ASU. He
received his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from the University
of Pennsylvania in 2008 where he was affiliated with the GRASP laboratory.
He holds a Diploma degree (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering from
the National Technical University of Athens and an M.Sc. degree in Computer
and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining
ASU he held a Postdoctoral Researcher position at NEC Laboratories America
in the System Analysis & Verification Group. He is currently working in the
area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with focus on formal methods, logic,
optimization and control theory with applications to automotive systems,
autonomous (ground and aerial) robots and human-robot interaction (HRI). In
2014, Dr. Fainekos received the NSF CAREER award. He was recipient of the
2008 Frank Anger Memorial ACM SIGBED/SIGSOFT Student Award, and the 2013
Best Researcher Junior Faculty award from SCIDSE.
Wed 18 Jun 2014, 16:30-18:00
Liang-Ting Chen <>
(Academia Sinica),
On a Categorical Framework for Coalgebraic Modal Logic
理学部7号館1階 102教室 Room 102, School of Science Bldg. No. 7
アクセス: (一番下)
Access: (see bottom)
Two syntax-oriented approaches to coalgebraic modal logic ― Moss’ cover
modality and Pattinson’s predicate liftings ― are successful in producing a
wide range of modal logics parametric in a Set functor, including modal
logics for Kripke frames, Markov chains, Markov processes, and their
variants. Both of them can be presented abstractly in a form similar to
mathematical SOS by Turi and Plokin, but this line of research was not
well-understood yet.
In this talk I will treat the abstract formation seriously, and introduce a
category of abstract semantics parametric in a contravariant functor that
assigns to the state space its collection of predicates with propositional
connectives. Various classical notions are formulated categorically. For
example, modular constructions are identified as colimits, limits, and
compositions of one-step semantics. The compositions and the colimits of
(one-step) expressiveness semantics remain (one-step) expressive. In
addition, we investigate a canonically-defined logic by its fibres, and
show that it is a terminal object for every fibre.
By its very formulation, it is straightforward to show above results in
this level of generality. In fact, I would like to suggest that it is the
right level of abstraction for understanding coalgebraic modal logic. For
further details, please see my MFPS paper, available in
*Continuity, Computability, Constructivity -- From Logic to Algorithms
(CCC 2014)*
*University of Ljubljana, 15-19 September 2014*
*Third call for papers*
*Extended deadline*
CCC is a workshop series bringing together researchers from
realanalysis, computability theory, and constructive mathematics. The
overall aim is to apply logical methods in these disciplines to provide
a sound foundation for obtaining exact and provably correctalgorithms
for computations with real numbers and related analytical data, which
are of increasing importance in safety critical applications and
scientific computation.
Previous workshops have been held in Cologne CCC 2009, Trier CCC 2012,
and Gregynog 2013. One outcome of the 2009 workshop series is the
creation of the EU funded research network COMPUTAL (Computable analysis
-- theoretical and applied aspects) which supports research visits from
Europe to Russia, South-Africa, and Japan and vice versa. This workshop
also hosts the third COMPUTAL workshop, but is open to all researchers
in the area.
The workshop will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
*Scope: *The workshop specifically invites contributions in the areas of
* exact real number computation,
* effective topology,
* Scott's domain theory,
* Weihrauch's type two theory of effectivity,
* category-theoretic approaches to computation on infinite data,
* hierarchies of unsolvability,
* and related areas.
*Invited Speakers:*
* Thierry Coquand (Gothenburg)
* Dirk Pattinson (Canberra)
* Paul Potgieter (Pretoria)
* Robert Rettinger (Hagen)
* Hideki Tsuiki (Kyoto)
* … (tba)
*Tutorial Speakers:*
* Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana)
* Martin Ziegler (Darmstadt)
*Extended deadline for abstract submission:*
*28 June 2014*
*Upload your submission via EasyChair*
*Programme Committee:*
* Andrej Bauer(Ljubljana)
* Willem Fouche' (Pretoria)
* Hajime Ishihara (Nomi, Ishikawa)
* Margarita Korovina (Novosibirsk)
* Davorin Lesnik (Darmstadt)
* Norbert Mueller (Trier)
* Robert Rettinger (Hagen)
* Monika Seisenberger (Swansea)
* Dieter Spreen (Siegen and Pretoria) (chair)
* Martin Ziegler (Darmstadt).
*Organizing Committee:*
* Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana)
Kobe Colloquium on Logic, Statistics and Informatics
講演者:Dilip Raghavan (シンガポール国立大学)
Two cardinal invariants of the continuum and Martin's axiom
we show the consistency of "MA for posets of size at most kappa + d =
and a = kappa^{++}" for a measurable cardinal kappa.
Apologies if you receive this CFP multiple times.
Eighth International Workshop on Juris-informatics
(JURISIN 2014)
date: November 23 - 24, 2014
venue: Raiosha Building, Keio University Kanagawa, Japan
Submission Deadline: August 30, 2014
Aims and Scope
Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues
from the perspective of informatics. The purpose of this workshop is
to discuss both the fundamental and practical issues among people from
the various backgrounds such as law, social science, information and
intelligent technology, logic and philosophy, including the
conventional "AI and law" area. We solicit unpublished papers on
theories, technologies and applications on juris-informatics.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Model of legal reasoning
Argumentation / Negotiation / Argumentation agent
Legal term ontology
Formal legal knowledge-base / Intelligent management of legal knowledge-base
Translation of legal documents
Information retrieval of legal texts
Computer-aided law education
Use of Informatics and AI in law
Legal issues on ubiquitous computing / multi-agent system / the Internet
Social implications of use of informatics and AI in law
Natural language processing for legal knowledge
Verification and validation of legal knowledge systems
Any theories and technologies which is not directly related with
juris-informatics but has a potential to contribute to this domain
Special Topics for JURISIN 2014
Bar exam competition (TBA)
Invited Speakers
Submissions: We will open the submission site via EasyChair shortly.
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original
papers, which are not simultaneously submitted for publication
elsewhere except as a submission to JURIX 2014 (The 27th International
Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems). The double
submission policy with JURIX 2014 is as follows:
Papers being submitted both to JURISIN2014 and JURIX2014 must note
this on the title page.
A paper to be presented at JURISIN2014 must be withdrawn from
JURIX2014 and vice versa according to the choice by the authors.
If the authors do not follow this double submission policy, the
paper by the authors will not be included in the proceedings of
Post Proceedings: We are under negotiation with Springer Verlag on
publishing selected papers.
Workshop Chair
Satoshi Tojo, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Organizing Committee Members
Katsumi Nitta, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics and Sokendai, Japan
Satoshi Tojo, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Advisory Committee Members
Trevor Bench-Capon, The University of Liverpool, UK
Tomas Gordon, Fraunfoher FOKUS, Germany
Henry Prakken, University of Utrecht & Groningen, The Netherlands
John Zeleznikow, Victoria University, Australia
Robert Kowalski, Imperial College London, UK
Kevin Ashley, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Program Committee Members
Satoshi Tojo, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Tokuyasu Kakuta, Nagoya University, Japan
Hanmin Jung, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(KISTI), Korea
Minghui Xiong, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Minghui Ma, Southwest University, China
Nguyen Le Minh, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Katsuhiko Toyama, Nagoya University, Japan
Makoto Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
Marina De Vos, University of Bath, UK
Guido Governatori, NICTA, Australia
Paulo Novais, University of Minho, Portugal
Seiichiro Sakurai, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics and Sokendai, Japan
Thomas Ågotnes, University of Bergen, Norway
Robert Kowalski, Imperial College London, UK
Katsuhiko Sano, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Katumi Nitta, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool, UK
Philip T H Chung, Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), Australia
Masahiro Kozuka, Okayama University, Japan
Fumihiko Takahashi, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
Baosheng Zhang, China University of Political Science and Law, China
We are still negotiating with other JURISIN 2013 PC members.
Home page of JURISIN 2014
Satoshi Tojo
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
できましたらlogic-ml メールリストで流していただけるとありがたいです。
岡田光弘、 慶應義塾大学文学部哲学専攻
ゲストスピーカー Mathieu Marion 教授
“Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Mathematics”
Guest speaker: Mathieu Marion (Université du Québec à Montréal)
日時:2014年6月13(金) 15時ー17時
Date: June 13th, 2014 15pm-19pm
場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館4階セミナー室 (* 変更になりました *)
Place: Meeting room, 4F of East Building at the East Gate, Mita Campus
of Keio University
5 minutes walong distance from JR-Tamachi, Subway-Mita, Subwat-Akabanebashi
. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics and Related Issues,。
ゲスト講演者: Mathieu Marion (Université du Québec à Montréal)
最新の情報は で随時アップデートいたします。
*See the above URL for the updated information.)
主催:慶應義塾大学 「思考と行動判断」 の研究拠点
後援:科学基礎論学会・慶應義塾大学 論理と感性のグローバル研究センター
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学の佐野勝彦です。今年 10/24, 10/25 に台湾で開催される
Logic Colloquiumについてご案内いたします。
The Second Taiwan Philosophical Logic Colloquium (2014 TPLC) Call for Papers
24th (Fri.) -- 25th (Sat.) October, 2014
The Program for Logic, Mind and Methodology (LMM),
Department of Philosophy,
National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan
The 2014 TPLC is the second of the series of Taiwan Philosophical
Logic Colloquium,
which is one of two series of biennial conferences established since
2012 and based in
The Program for Logic, Mind and Methodology (LMM), Department of Philosophy,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (The other one is the series of
Taiwan Metaphysics
Colloquium, established since 2013.) Each event in these two series by
and large runs in
one/two days only. We usually invite one or two distinguished
as keynote speakers and 3-4 distinguished scholars from Asian and
Australasian regions
together with several contributed papers. We hope that the
establishment of these two
series will make a rewarding and inspiring series of events so as to promote the
development of metaphysics and philosophical logic in Asian area,
especially in Taiwan.
In particular, the aim of the series of Taiwan Philosophical Logic
Colloquium is to bring
together a group of logical-minded philosophers and a group of logicians with
philosophical orientation. We intend, via the establishment of this
series, to provide a
forum for dialogues amongst philosophers and logicians with regard to
a variety of
significant issues and topics from philosophical and logical
perspective, respectively.
The scope of this series of colloquium will cover: philosophical logic
(in a broad sense),
non-classical logics, algebraic logic, all kinds of semantics/logics relating to
philosophical concepts in metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language,
philosophy of logic/mathematics, and their applications in computer science and
cognitive science.
Robert Goldblatt, ``Admissible semantics for modal logic with quantifier''
(School of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, Victoria
University, New
Hiroakira Ono, ``On interpolation properties''
(Japan Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan)
Chen Bo (Peking University, China);
Hanti Lin (Australia National University, Australia; UC Davis, USA)
Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University, China)
Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University, Japan);
All researchers working on various aspects of philosophical logic are
cordially invited to
submit their abstracts by August 31st, 2014. Authors should submit an (extended)
abstract at least about one page (A4 size, single space) but no more
than four pages.
Abstracts must be submitted as PDF files and sent to dmdeng(a)
(cc. Joshua S.
S. [bookitchen(a)]) Each submission will be reviewed. The
Colloquium is open
to everyone, and practical info will be available soon on the website.
Contributed papers from international scholars are highly appreciated.
There will be a
possibility of giving support of accommodation during the conference
to speakers from
abroad. Please take a contact with Syraya C. M. Yang
(cmyang(a) However, it
is strongly recommended that as long as you have decided to submit an
abstract, please
send us a note at your convenience as hotel-room preservation can be
made the earlier
the easier.
We are planning to publish a post-conference proceedings for the 2014
TPLC once we
get enough number of submissions of high quality. We have already
taken a contact with
editor-in-chief of LIAA book series concerning with this matter. The
LIAA (``Logic in
Asia'') is a new established publication project for a series of logic
books from Springer.
See If our project is approved, a post-
conference proceedings will be published as a volume of LIAA. All
authors of papers
presented at the colloquium will be encouraged to submit a full version and the
deadline of submission of manuscripts will be around February of 2015.
All papers
submitted will be refereed to high journal standards, and acceptance
as a presentation
is no guarantee that the post-conference paper will be published. The
approval and the
details of the post-conference proceedings will be announced later.
D. M. Deng, Y. I. Liang, C. J. Liau (The Institute of Information
Science, Academia Sinica),
E. M. Peng, H. C.Tsai (National Chung Cheng University), S. P. Tung (Chung Yuan
Christian University), R. L. Wang, S. C. M. Yang (Chair), J. J. Yuann
For any enquiry/information please contact:
D. M. Deng (dmdeng(a)
Joshua S. S. (bookitchen(a)
Syraya C. M. Yang (cmyang(a)
今年11月にルクセンブルクで開催される国際ワークショップ FTSCS2014 の論文募集の案内をお送りいたします。
Call for Papers
FTSCS 2014
3rd International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems
Luxembourg, November 6-7, 2014
(satellite workshop of ICFEM 2014)
*** Science of Computer Programming special issue ***
*** Springer CCIS proceedings ***
Aims and Scope:
There is an increasing demand in industry to use formal methods to
achieve software-independent verification and validation of
safety-critical systems, e.g., in fields such as avionics, automotive,
medical, and other cyber-physical systems. Newer standards, such as
DO-178C (avionics) and ISO 26262 (automotive), emphasize the need for
formal methods and model-based development, speeding up the
adaptation of such methods in industry.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers
who are interested in the application of formal and semi-formal methods
to improve the quality of safety-critical computer systems. In
particular, FTSCS strives strives to promote research and development of
formal methods and tools for industrial applications, and is particularly
interested in industrial applications of formal methods.
Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
* case studies and experience reports on the use of formal methods for
analyzing safety-critical systems, including avionics, automotive,
medical, and other kinds of safety-critical and QoS-critical systems
* methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis,
certification, debugging, etc., of complex safety/QoS-critical systems
* analysis methods that address the limitations of formal methods in
industry (usability, scalability, etc.)
* formal analysis support for modeling languages used in industry,
such as AADL, Ptolemy, SysML, SCADE, Modelica, etc.
* code generation from validated models.
The workshop will provide a platform for discussions and the exchange of
innovative ideas, so submissions on work in progress are encouraged.
We solicit submissions reporting on:
A- original research contributions (15 pages max, LNCS format);
B- applications and experiences (15 pages max, LNCS format);
C- surveys, comparisons, and state-of-the-art reports (15 pages max, LNCS);
D- tool papers (5 pages max, LNCS format);
E- position papers and work in progress (5 pages max, LNCS format)
related to the topics mentioned above.
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted
concurrently for publication elsewhere. Paper submission is done
via EasyChair at
The final version of the paper must be prepared in LaTeX, adhering to
the LNCS format available at
All accepted papers will appear in the pre-proceedings of FTSCS 2014.
Accepted papers in the categories A-D above will appear in the
workshop proceedings that will be published as a volume in
Springer's CCIS series.
The authors of a selected subset of accepted papers will be invited to
submit extended versions of their papers to appear in a special issue
of the Science of Computer Programming journal.
Important dates:
Submission deadline: September 6, 2014
Notification of acceptance: October 3, 2014
Workshop: November 6/7, 2014
Program chairs:
Cyrille Artho AIST, Japan
Peter Olveczky University of Oslo, Norway
Program committee:
Erika Abraham RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Musab AlTurki King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Toshiaki Aoki JAIST, Japan
Farhad Arbab Leiden University and CWI, The Netherlands
Cyrille Artho AIST, Japan
Kyungmin Bae University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Saddek Bensalem Verimag, France
Armin Biere Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Ansgar Fehnker University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Mamoun Filali IRIT, France
Bernd Fischer Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Klaus Havelund NASA JPL, USA
Marieke Huisman University of Twente, The Netherlands
Ralf Huuck NICTA, Australia
Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Takashi Kitamura AIST, Japan
Alexander Knapp Augsburg University, Germany
Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Frederic Mallet INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Robi Malik University of Waikato, New Zealand
Cesar Munoz NASA Langley, USA
Thomas Noll RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Peter Olveczky University of Oslo, Norway
Charles Pecheur Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Paul Pettersson Malardalen University, Sweden
Camilo Rocha Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria, Colombia
Ralf Sasse ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Oleg Sokolsky University of Pennsylvania, USA
Sofiene Tahar Concordia University, Canada
Carolyn Talcott SRI International, USA
Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya Osaka University, Japan
Jackie Wang McMaster University, Canada
Michael Whalen University of Minnesota, USA
Huibiao Zhu East China Normal University, China
(email) peterol(a) and c.artho(a)
Takashi KITAMURA Ph.D.
Research Institute for Secure Systems (RISEC)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Nakoji 3-11-46, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0974, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6494-8054 Fax: +81-6-6494-8073
Internal Tel: *33-274-71902
[Apologies for multiple copies]
The 11th workshop on
Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL)
June 4-6, Kyoto, Japan
The 11th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL) will take place
at Kyoto University, Japan, from 4th to 6th, JUNE 2014.
This workshop will bring together researchers working on mathematical
foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing and spatio-temporal
causal structures, and in particular those that use logical tools,
ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages,
semantical methods and other computer science methods for the study of
physical behaviour in general.
Previous QPL events were held in Ottawa (2003), Turku (2004), Chicago
(2005), Oxford (2006),Reykjavik (2008), Oxford (2009), Oxford (2010),
Nijmegen (2011), Brussels (2012) and Barcelona (2013).
Giulio Chiribella (Tsinghua)
Masahito "Hassei" Hasegawa (Kyoto)
Masanao Ozawa (Nagoya)
Submission Deadline: 13th Apr, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 4th May
Papers Ready: 11th May
Workshop: 4th-6th June
Prospective speakers are invited to submit a contribution to the workshop.
- *Short contributions* consist of a 3 page description of the work,
and a link to a paper published elsewhere.
- Longer *original contributions* consist of a 5-12 page extended
abstract which provides sufficient evidence of results of genuine
interest and provides sufficient detail to allow the program
committee to assess the merits of the work. Submissions of works in
progress are encouraged but must be more substantial than a
research proposal.
Extended versions of accepted original research contributions will be
published in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
(EPTCS) after the workshop. Selected contributions will further be
invited to a special issue in the journal New Generation Computing.
Submissions should be prepared using LaTeX (use of the EPTCS style is
encouraged), and must be submitted in PDF format. Submission is done
via EasyChair:
We encourage participation by graduate students. Students will pay a
reduced registration fee. We will also provide limited financial
support to students for travel and accommodations (non-students can
also apply but priority is given to students). Further information is
found on the workshop website.
Dan Browne (UCL)
Giulio Chiribella (Tsinghua)
Bob Coecke (Oxford, co-chair)
Ross Duncan (Strathclyde)
Simon Gay (Glasgow)
Ichiro Hasuo (Tokyo, co-chair)
Chris Heunen (Oxford)
Matty Hoban (ICFO)
Bart Jacobs (Nijmegen)
Viv Kendon (Leeds)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill, co-chair)
Simon Perdrix (CNRS Grenoble)
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (QMUL)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie)
Rob Spekkens (Perimeter)
Bas Spitters (Nijmegen)
Jamie Vicary (Oxford & CQT Singapore)
Mingsheng Ying (UTS Sydney & Tsinghua)
Ichiro Hasuo (Tokyo, chair)
Naohiko Hoshino (Kyoto)
Yoshihiko Kakutani (Tokyo)
Susumu Nishimura (Kyoto)
Bob Coecke (Oxford)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie)
今年の11月に東京で開催される LENLS 11 国際ワークショップの
峯島 宏次(お茶の水女子大学)
[Apologies for multiple copies]
Logic and Engineering of
Natural Language Semantics 11 (LENLS 11)
Workshop Site : "Raiousha Building, Keio University"
Kanagawa, Japan.
Dates : November 22-24, 2014
Contact Person: Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University)
Contact Email : lenls11[[at]]
Website :‾bekki/lenls/
Chair: Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University)
Co-chair: Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University/National Institute of Informatics)
Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Invited Speaker(s):
- Chris Barker (New York University)
- Kimiko Nakanishi (Ochanomizu University)
- Christopher Tancredi (Keio University)
- Matthew Stone (Rutgers University) (To be confirmed)
LENLS is an annual international workshop on formal syntax,
semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of the workshops of
the Sixth JSAI International Symposia on AI (isAI2014)
sponsored by the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
Aims and Topics:
We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal
syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and related fields, including but in no way
limited to the following:
- Formal syntax of natural language
- Formal semantics and pragmatics of natural language
- Model-theoretic and/or proof-theoretic semantics of natural language
- Computational Semantics
- Continuations in natural language
- Game-theoretic/Bayesian approaches to pragmatics
- Nonclassical Logic and its relation to natural language (especially Substructural/Fuzzy/Categorical/Topological logics)
- (Formal) Philosophy of language
- Scientific methodology and/or experimental design for linguistics
Abstracts (up to 4 pages, including figures and references, A4 or
letter size, with 12 point font) must be submitted electronically
in PDF format at:
When the abstract is accepted, the author is expected to submit a
full paper (10-14 pages) before the workshop. The proceedings of the
workshop will be available at the conference site for registered persons.
This year we are planning to hold a student session. The details will be
announced later.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: August 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2014
LENLS11: November 22-24, 2014
LENLS is being organized by an alliance of "Establishment of Knowledge-Intensive Structural Natural Language Processing and Construction of Knowledge Infrastructure"
( project, funded by JST CREST Programs "Advanced Core Technologies for Big Data Integration"
Workshop Organizers/Program Committee:
- Koji Mineshima (Ochanomizu University)
- Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University/National Institute of Informatics)
- Alastair Butler (PRESTO JST/Tohoku University)
- Richard Dietz (University of Tokyo)
- Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo)
- Yasuo Nakayama (Osaka University)
- Katsuhiko Sano (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto University of Education)
- Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)
- Shunsuke Yatabe (West Japan Railway Company)
- Kei Yoshimoto (Tohoku University)