Kristina Liefke氏 (Tilberg University)
2011/1/13(木) 16:00-18:00
A Single-Type Semantics for Natural Language
In this talk, I develop a single-type semantics for natural
language along the lines explored by Partee (2006). Such a theory
of meaning takes different semantic domains (e.g. individuals,
propositions, worlds) to be constructed from a single basic type.
I formalize Partee's hypothesis in a one-sort variant of Church's
Simple Theory of Types (1940) and show that it models a standard
fragment of English. I finish by assessing the semantics' relative
merits and limitations. More than providing a fine-grained
alternative to Montague's Intensional Logic that elucidates the
relationship between different types of objects, the proposed
theory constitutes a further step towards the unification of
mathematical and empirical perspectives on meaning.
Keywords: Single-type hypothesis, Data semantics, Montague grammar
, Partial logic, Type theory.
Church, Alonzo. 1940. "A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types
", Journal of Symbolic Logic 5/2, 56-68.
Montague, Richard. 1973. "The Proper Treatment of Quantification
in Ordinary English", Formal Philosophy (Richmond Thomason, ed.),
Yale UP, New Haven and London, 1976.
Partee, Barbara. 2006. "Do We Need Two Basic Types?", Snippets:
Special Issue in Honor of Manfred Krifka (Sigrid Beck and Hans-
Martin Gaertner, eds.), Vol. 20, Berlin, 2009.
丸ノ内線 茗荷谷駅徒歩7分、または 有楽町線 護国寺駅徒歩7分)
_/ 戸次 大介
_/_/ (BEKKI Daisuke)
_/_/_/ お茶の水女子大学 理学部情報科学科
_/_/ bekki(a)is.ocha.ac.jp
_/ http://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/‾bekki/
Dear colleagues,
Next week Thu 20 Jan, from 11.00am, our colleague
Susumu Nishimura from Dept. Math., Kyoto Univ. is making
a talk on his recent work.
No registration necessary. See you there!
Best regards,
Ichiro Hasuo
RIMS-CS website
Susumu Nishimura (Dept. Math., Kyoto Univ.)
Calculating Tree Navigation with Symmetric Relational Zipper
11.00 - 12.00, Thursday 20 January 2011
Room 478, "Research Bldg. No. 2 (Sougou Kenkyu 2-Goukan)"
(Next to our CS Lab)
総合研究2号館 478号室 (CS室のとなりです)
Navigating through tree structures is a core operation in tree
processing programs. Most notably, XML processing programs intensively
use XPath, the path specification language that locates particular
nodes in a given document structure.
In this talk, a calculational method for deriving certain equalities
of XPath expressions is presented. Tree navigation operations in XPath
expressions, making the symmetries of those operations explicit. By
exploiting the symmetry, certain equalities that are useful for
optimizing XPath evaluation are derided by simple calculation. The
point-free, algebraic reasoning on relations not only leads to a
concise justification of some known results but also establishes
equations over XPath expressions with negative predicates and those
beyond XPath expressibility.
This is joint work with Yuta Ikeda.
Kobe Colloquium on Logic, Statistics and Informatics
日時:2011年1月20日(木)15:30 〜
講演者:Sam Sanders(東北大学)
題目:A copy of several Reverse Mathematics
Reverse Mathematics (RM) is a program in the foundations of mathematics
initiated by Friedman ([1, 2]) and developed extensively by Simpson ([4]).
The aim of RM is to determine which minimal axioms prove theorems of
ordinary mathematics. The main theme of RM is that a theorem of ordinary
mathematics is either provable in RCA_0, or the theorem is equivalent to
either WKL_0, ACA_0, ATR_0 or Π^1_1-CA_0. This equivalence is proved
in RCA_0, the ‘base theory’ of RM. Moreover, each of these systems
corresponds to a well-known foundational program in mathematics.
Nonstandard Analysis has played an important role in RM ([3, 5]). We are
interested in RM where equality is replaced by the relation ≈, i.e. equality
up to infinitesimals. We obtain a ‘copy’ of the RM of WKL_0 and ACA_0 in
a weak system of Nonstandard Analysis. Surprisingly, the same system is
also a ‘copy’ of Constructive Reverse Mathematics. Our results have
applications in Physics, Theoretical Computer Science, and the Philosophy
of Science.
[1] Harvey Friedman, Some systems of second order arithmetic and their use,
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Vancouver,
B. C., 1974), vol. 1, Canad. Math. Congress, 1975, pp. 235–242.
[2] Harvey Friedman, Systems of second order arithmetic with restricted
induction I & II, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 41 (1976), pp. 557–559.
[3] H. Jerome Keisler, Nonstandard arithmetic and reverse mathematics,
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 12 (2006), no. 1, pp. 100–125.
[4] Stephen G. Simpson, Subsystems of second order arithmetic, Perspectives
in Mathematical Logic, Springer–Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
[5] Kazuyuki Tanaka, The self-embedding theorem of WKL_0 and a non-
standard method, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 84 (1997), pp. 41–49.
連絡先:菊池誠 mkikuchi(a)kobe-u.ac.jp
Dear colleague,
please, find below the TACL 2011 first call for papers. We strongly hope to meet
you in Marseilles during next July.
Best regards,
Luigi Santocanale, Yves Lafont, Nicola Olivetti,
TACL 2011 local organisers
26-30 July 2011
Universités Aix-Marseille I-II-III, France
The Fifth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories
in Logic is dedicated to the memory of Leo Esakia (1934-2010).
Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active
branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer
science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools
and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal
algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The
program of the conference TACL 2011 will focus on three
interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study
of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and
topological methods. This is the fifth conference in the series
Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).
Earlier installments of this conference have been organized in
Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), Oxford (2007), Amsterdam (2009).
Featured topics
Contributed talks can deal with any topic dealing with the use of
algebraic, categorical or topological methods in either logic or
computer science. This includes, but is not limited to, the following
* Algebraic structures in CS
* Algebraic logic
* Coalgebra
* Categorical methods in logic
* Domain theory
* Fuzzy and many-valued logics
* Lattice theory
* Lattices with operators
* Modal logics
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered topological spaces
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Pointfree topology
* Proofs and Types
* Residuated structures
* Semantics
* Stone-type dualities
* Substructural logics
* Topological semantics of modal logic
Contributed presentations will be of two types:
o 20 minutes long presentations in parallel sessions and
o featured, 30 minutes long, plenary presentations.
The submission of an abstract will be required to be selected for
a contributed presentation of either kind. While preference will
be given to new work, results that have already been published or
presented elsewhere will also be considered.
More information on the submission procedure will be made available soon.
Important dates
April 18, 2011: Abstract submission deadline
May 20, 2011: Notification to authors
July 26-30, 2011: Conference
Program Committee
Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University
Petr Cintula, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Thierry Coquand, University of Gothenburg
Mai Gehrke, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano
Rob Goldblatt, Victoria University, Wellington
Martin Hyland, King's College, Cambridge
Ramon Jansana, Universitat de Barcelona
Achim Jung (PC co-chair), University of Birmingham
Alexander Kurz, University of Leicester
Yves Lafont, Université Aix-Marseille II
Tadeusz Litak, University of Leicester
Paul-André Melliès, CNRS Paris Diderot
George Metcalfe, Universität Bern
Nicola Olivetti, Université Aix-Marseille III
Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Luigi Santocanale, Université Aix-Marseille I
Kazushige Terui, Kyoto University
Costantine Tsinakis, Vanderbilt University
Yde Venema (PC co-chair), University of Amsterdam
Friedrich Wehrung, Université de Caen
Michael Zakharyaschev, University of London
More Information
If you have any queries please send them to the conference email address: