[Apologies for multiple copies]




          5-9 September 2016, Barcelona (Spain)



Substructural logics are formal reasoning systems that refine
classical logic by weakening structural rules in a Gentzen-style
sequent calculus. Intuitionistic, many-valued, linear logics, are
typical examples. Traditionally, substructural logics have been
investigated using proof theoretic and algebraic methods. In recent
years, combined approaches have started to emerge.  The programme of
the SYSMICS conference will focus on interactions between syntactic
and semantic methods in substructural logics. This open conference is
the first of a series of meetings planned in the SYSMICS RISE project
(http://logica.dmi.unisa.it/sysmics/) during 2016-2019.

Featured topics
Contributed talks can be on any topic related to substructural logic.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

* Algebraic structures in CS
* Algebraic logic
* Coalgebraic aspects of logic
* Categorical methods in logic
* Gentzen systems
* Lattice theory
* Lattices with operators
* Linear logic
* Mathematical fuzzy logic
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Proofs and Types
* Stone-type dualities
* Topological semantics

Programme Committee
Stefano Aguzzoli (University of Milano)
Nick Bezhanishvili (University of Amsterdam)
Agata Ciabattoni (Vienna University of Technology)
Petr Cintula (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Pilar Dellunde (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Brunella Gerla (University of Insubria)
Lluis Godo (CSIC - IIIA Barcelona)
Ramon Jansana (University of Barcelona)
Jan Kühr (University of Olomouc)
Antonio Ledda (University of Cagliari)
George Metcalfe (University of Bern)
Carles Noguera (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Luca Spada (University of Salerno, chair)

Organising Committee
Pilar Dellunde (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Joan Gispert (University of Barcelona)
Ramon Jansana (University of Barcelona)
Lluis Godo, (CSIC - IIIA Barcelona, Chair)
Diego Valota (CSIC - IIIA Barcelona)

Deadline for submissions 30 April 2016
Notification of acceptance 30 May 2016
Conference dates 5-9 September 2016

The Programme Committee accepts submissions of abstracts ranging from
2 to 4 pages. The abstracts should be formatted according to EasyChair
style, instructions can be found at
http://easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip .
Abstracts can be submitted at the following address:
A short text-only abstract will also be requested during submission.

Expression of interest
Expressions of interests will be greatly appreciated, please fill in
the simple form on the conference web site under "Express Interest".
This will help the Organising Committee with their planning. You can
also opt-out from receiving future announcements by following the
instructions on the web site.

More Information
SYSMICS 2016 web site: http://sysmics-16.iiia.csic.es

Use this site for updates on the program, invited speakers and local
information, including hotel accommodations, travel information and

Any queries regarding the conference should be sent to