申し訳ありません、下記の通り私の講演のタイトル欄が空欄となっておりました。講演タイトルは、プログラムにある通り Runtime verification using a process algebra CSP となります。
2015-03-11 14:58 GMT+09:00 山形賴之 yoriyuki.yamagata@aist.go.jp:
Title: Speaker: Yoriyuki Yamagata Abstract: A process algebra such as CSP, CCS, and pi-calculus is used to describe a concurrent system. In this talk, we introduce a tool called CSP_E, CSP for event monitoring. CSP_E tests a runtime log against a specification given by CSP, and report whether the log satisfies the given specification or not. CSP_E is implemented as a internal DSL within Scala programming language.