
こんにちは! 東京大学の蓮尾です.
7月のバークレー,CAV 併設ワークショップ LfSA のご案内です.

 - (***New!***) 締切りが延長されて,
    Abstract submission: April 27
    Paper submission:    May 4

 - トピックは(広い意味での)論理を用いたシステム検証で,

 - まだ新しいワークショップ(2回目)で正式なプロシーディングス



蓮尾 一郎
東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻


Call for Papers

 LfSA'12 -- Logics for System Analysis


 Workshop Affiliated with CAV 2012
 July 7th, 2012, Berkeley, USA

Safety-critical systems frequently occur as real-time systems,
embedded systems, hybrid systems, distributed systems, and
cyber-physical systems. They are also becoming more and more important
in many application domains, including aviation, automotive, railway,
robotic, or medical applications, where both safety and security are
relevant aspects. To ensure the correct functioning of safety-critical
systems it is necessary to model and reason about hardware, software,
communication aspects, physical properties, and the system

LfSA’12 is the second workshop on Logics for System Analysis, devoted
to the systematic theoretical study, practical development, and
applied use of logics for system analysis. The purpose of the LfSA
workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested
in studying practically relevant systems or in developing the logical
foundations and analysis tools for their study.

Topics include

* Logics for safety-critical systems (real-time, embedded, hybrid,
 distributed, stochastic, cyber-physical)

* Logic-based methods for development of safety-critical systems

* Logics to study security aspects of systems or protocols

* System representations using logics, automata, modeling languages,
 state charts, Petri nets, dataflow models

* Theories, decision procedures, and calculi for system analysis

* Model checking, theorem proving, and systematic testing

* Case studies for logical system analysis

* Applications of system analysis to industrial problems

In particular, we invite contributions that bridge the gap between
theory and practice or that combine different application domains.

Submission Categories

* Regular papers (up to 15 pages), which should present previously
 unpublished work (completed or in progress), including descriptions
 of research, tools, and applications.

* Short papers (up to 5 pages), which describe work in progress or aim
 at initiating discussions.

* Presentation-only papers, i.e., papers already submitted or
 presented at a conference or another workshop; such papers will not
 be included in the LfSA proceedings but will be presented during the

In addition to informal and electronic workshop proceedings, we
consider the option of a special issue in a journal after the workshop

Workshop/Programme Chairs

 Andre Platzer
 Carnegie Mellon University

 Philipp Ruemmer
 Uppsala University

Programme Committee

 A. Banerjee             (IMDEA Madrid)
 R. Barbosa              (U. Coimbra)
 F. S. de Boer           (CWI Amsterdam)
 A. Cimatti              (IRST Trento)
 M. Dam                  (KTH Stockholm)
 S. Demri                (CNRS Cachan)
 M. Giese                (U. of Oslo)
 I. Hasuo                (U. Tokyo)
 F. Ivancic              (NEC Lab. Princeton)
 E. B. Johnsen           (U. of Oslo)
 V. Sofronie-Stokkermans (U. Koblenz)
 U. Waldmann             (MPI Saarbrücken)

Important Dates/Deadlines

    Abstract submission: April 27
    Paper submission:    May 4
 Notification:        June 8, 2012
 Final version:       June 29, 2012
 Workshop:            July 7, 2012

Workshop Webpage


Submission via Easychair
