Tenth NII Type Theory Workshop
Date: February 3, 2016, 13:30--17:00
Place: National Institute of Informatics, Room 2006 (20th floor) 場所: 国立情報学研究所 20階 2006室 (半蔵門線,都営地下鉄三田線・新宿線 神保町駅または東西線 竹橋駅より徒歩5分) (地図 http://www.nii.ac.jp/about/access/)
13:30--14:10 Mahmudul faisal Al Ameen (National Institute of Informatics) Title: Completeness for Recursive Procedures in Separation Logic
14:10--14:50 Daisuke Kimura (National Institute of Informatics) Title: An Implementation of Cyclic Proof-Search in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions
14:50--15:00 Break
15:00--15:50 Makoto Tatsuta (National Institute of Informatics) Title: Completeness of Cyclic Proofs for Symbolic Heaps
15:50--16:00 Break
16:00--17:00 Stefano Berardi (Torino University) Title: Game Semantics and the Complexity of Interaction
Abstracts: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mahmudul faisal Al Ameen (National Institute of Informatics) Title: Completeness for Recursive Procedures in Separation Logic
Abstract: This talk proves the completeness of an extension of Hoare's logic and separation logic for pointer programs with mutual recursive procedures. A new system will be discussed by introducing two new inference rules, and removes an axiom that is unsound in separation logic and other redundant inference rules for showing completeness. It introduces a novel expression that is used to describe complete information of a given state in a precondition. It also uses the necessary and sufficient precondition of a program for the abort-free execution, which enables us to utilize strongest postconditions. Admissibility of the frame rules in the system will also be discussed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisuke Kimura (National Institute of Informatics) Title: An Implementation of Cyclic Proof-Search in Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions
Abstract: The entailment problem in separation logic is important for program verification. This talk presents a proof system for a fragment of separation logic with inductive definitions, whose proofs have cyclic graph structures. The system is sound for validity of entailments, and provides a decision procedure of entailment problem based on proof-search of its cyclic proofs. We implement this decision procedure, and report the results evaluating our decision procedure with benchmark files of SLCOMP14. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Makoto Tatsuta (National Institute of Informatics) Title: Completeness of Cyclic Proofs for Symbolic Heaps
Abstract: Separation logic is successful for software verification in both theory and practice. Decision procedure for symbolic heaps is one of key issues. This talk proposes a cyclic proof system for symbolic heaps with general form of inductive definitions, and discusses its soundness, completeness, and decidability. The decision procedure of entailments of symbolic heaps with inductive definitions is also discussed. Decidability of entailments of symbolic heaps with inductive definitions is an important question. Completeness of cyclic proof systems is also an important question. The results of this talk tries to answer both questions. The system is based on cyclic proof systems by Brotherston et al, and the bounded-treewidth inductive definitions by Iosif et al. In order for obtaining the completeness, some restrictions are added to inductive definitions, an entailment is extended to a multiple entailment which allows disjunction in the succeedent, and it introduces new predicates for describing whether a given address is in the heap or not. The inductive definitions under the restrictions are quite general, since they covers doubly-linked lists, nested lists, and skip lists. The main techniques are grouping for showing the local completeness of the rule of splitting separating conjunction, and normal form of multiple entailments, which has some upper bounds for both the number of disjuncts and the length of spatial parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stefano Berardi (Torino University) Title: Game Semantics and the Complexity of Interaction (about a result of Federico Aschieri)
Abstract: We present a new abstract complexity result obtained by F. Aschieri about Coquand and Hyland-Ong game semantics, that will lead to new bounds on the length of first-order cut-elimination, normalization, interaction between expansion trees and any other dialogical process game semantics can model and apply to. In particular, Aschieri provides a novel method to bound the length of interactions between visible strategies and to measure precisely the tower of exponentials defining the worst-case complexity. This study improves the old estimates by possibly several exponentials and is based on Berardi-de'Liguoro notion of level of backtracking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
問合せ先 龍田 (tatsuta@nii.ac.jp)