今年9月に開催される「第45回 TRS Meeting」参加者募集をご案内致します。
通常、国内で開催しておりますが、今回は項書換えに関する日墺のサマーワーク ショップとして、オーストリアのオーバーグルグルで開催されます。 皆様、ぜひ参加をご検討下さい。
廣川 直 (JAIST)
4th Austria-Japan Summer Workshop on Term Rewriting 45th TRS Meeting
Obergurgl http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/events/ajsw-2016/
AJSW is an informal workshop for researchers in Austria and Japan and aims to facilitate and share new developments and ideas in term rewriting. Not only presentations about published results but also work-in-progress talks are welcome.
The event is held as part of CLA 2016
and synonymous with the 45th TRS Meeting.
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. Participants are expected to give a talk of approximately 15 to 60 minutes in English on their research activities. The subject of the talk is not required to be one's original result; for example, explaining an interesting paper is perfectly acceptable. (For information on TRS meetings in general, see: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hirokawa/trs-meeting/)
Date: September 7 (Wed) -- 9 (Fr), 2013 Venue: Obergurgl University Center http://www.uz-obergurgl.at/english/ Gaisbergweg 5, 6456 Obergurgl, Austria
September 7 (Wed) CLA excursion September 8 (Thu) first day of workshop September 9 (Fri) second day of workshop
Preliminary Registration
Please indicate whether you would like to join by sending the registration form below to Christian Sternagel (christian.sternagel@uibk.ac.at) as soon as possible. This is just in order to get a rough estimate of the number of participants. The official registration and arrangements for accommodation will be handled through the main CLA 2016 event.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 45th TRS Meeting
name: affiliation: number of accompanying persons: attendance: CLA / AJSW + excursion / AJSW only
* number of accompanying persons: in case you want to bring family and/or significant others (which is encouraged), please indicate the number of additional persons here * CLA: full week, arrival on September 4 (Sun) and departure on September 10 (Sat); this is the preferred option * AJSW + excursion: arrival on September 6 (Tue) and departure on September 10 (Sat) * AJSW only: arrival on September 7 (Wed) and departure on September 10 (Sat)