First announcement
Conference: June 20-24, 2022 in Coimbra
School: June 13-18, 2022 in Praia de Mira
https://www.mat.uc.pt/~tacl2022Organized by the Centre for Mathematics (CMUC) and the Department of Mathematics (DMUC) of the University of Coimbra
Studying logic via semantics is a well-established and very active branch of mathematical logic with many applications in
computer science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools and techniques stemming from various fields,
including universal algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The programme of the conference TACL 2022 will
focus on three interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantic study of logic and their applications: topological,
algebraic, and categorical methods.
TACL 2022 is the tenth conference in the series Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).
Earlier instalments of this conference have been organized in Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), Oxford (2007),
Amsterdam (2009), Marseille (2011), Nashville (2013), Ischia (2015), Prague (2017), and Nice (2019).
Featured topics
Contributed talks are intended to be about topological, algebraic or categorical methods used in mathematical or computer science
logic. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
* Algebraic logic
* Algebraic structures in CS
* Categorical methods in logic
* Coalgebra
* Domain theory
* Fuzzy and many-valued logics
* Lattice theory
* Lattices with operators
* Modal logics
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Ordered topological spaces
* Pointfree topology
* Proofs and types
* Residuated structures
* Semantics
* Stone-type dualities
* Substructural logics
* Topological semantics of modal logic
Invited speakers
* Marta Bilkova, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
* David Fernandez-Duque, Ghent University
* Richard Garner, Macquarie University, Sydney
* Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay
* Peter Johnstone, University of Cambridge
* Vincenzo Marra, University of Milan
* Amanda Vidal, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Barcelona
* Friedrich Wehrung, University of Caen
* Fan Yang, University of Helsinki
Lecturers at the Summer School
* Dirk Hofmann, University of Aveiro
* Rosalie Iemhoff, Utrecht University
* Graham Manuell, University of Coimbra
* Walter Tholen, York University, Toronto
Submission instructions
Authors can submit an Extended Abstract of 2 pages (including
references) at the EasyChair conference system:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tacl2022Important dates
School: June 13-18, 2022
Conference: June 20-24, 2022
Contributed talks:
Submission deadline: March 4, 2022
Notification to authors: April 15, 2022
The school's programme will start on Tuesday June 14 in the morning and will end on Saturday June 18 in the afternoon.
A bus transfer from and to Coimbra will be arranged by the organisers, on the afternoon of June 13 and June 18, respectively.
The conference programme will start on Monday June 20 in the morning and will end on Friday June 24 in the afternoon.
Financial support
For the summer school a certain amount of funding is available for those in financial need. This is intended primarily for students, but non-students can be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Program Committee
Peter Jipsen, Chapman University, USA (PC co-chair)
Jorge Picado, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (PC co-chair)
Nick Bezhanishvili, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Agata Ciabattoni, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Maria Manuel Clementino, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Mai Gehrke, Université Côte D'Azur, Nice, France
Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Zuzana Hanikova, Inst. of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences
John Harding, New Mexico State University, USA
Tomas Jakl, University of Cambridge, UK
Zurab Janelidze, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Ramon Jansana, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Agi Kurucz, King's College London, UK
Serafina Lapenta, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Matias Menni, Conicet and Universidade Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
George Metcalfe, University of Bern, Switzerland
Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Japan
Daniela Petrisan, University Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France
Adam Prenosil, Universita degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
Luca Reggio, University of Oxford, UK
Greg Restall, University of St Andrews, UK
Benno van den Berg, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Steering Committee
Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University, United States
Mai Gehrke, CNRS and Universite Cote d'Azur, France
Silvio Ghilardi, University of Milan, Italy
Ramon Jansana, University of Barcelona, Spain
Hilary Priestley, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
James Raftery, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Organizing Committee
Maria Manuel Clementino (chair)
Igor Arrieta
Ana Belen Avilez
Celia Borlido
Maria Joao Ferreira
Carlos Fitas
Goncalo Gutierres
Dirk Hofmann
Graham Manuell
Jorge Picado
Sandra Pinto
Rui Prezado
Manuela Sobral
Lurdes Sousa
More Information
Information about registration as well as suggested hotels will be forthcoming in future announcements.
If you would like to receive future announcements, please send a message to this effect to the conference e-mail address.
TACL 2022 web site:
https://www.mat.uc.pt/~tacl2022/Conference email:
tacl2022@mat.uc.ptSchool web site: