

                          岡田光弘 慶應義塾大学文学部哲学専攻 


Jean-Baptiste Joinet教授(Dept Philosophy, Univ Lyon) , 11月7日(木)Nov.7th (Thurs) 慶應大 Keio U.



三田ロジックセミナー  Mita Logic Seminar

117  November 7th

慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス Mita Campus, Keio University


講演者 SPEAKER: Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université de Lyon, IRPhiL, Idex Lyon)

タイトル TITLE: Types and behavioral indiscernibility




参加自由、事前登録無し。お気軽にお立ち寄りください。No registration needed



アブストラクトは以下をご覧ください。 Abstract attached below.

日時 Date:

117 () November 7th (Thu.), 16:30-18:00


場所 Venue:

慶應義塾大三田キャンパス 大学院校舎1312番教室(下のキャンパスマップ3番)

Classroom 312, 1F of Graduate School Building, Mita Campus, Keio University

(#3 of the Campus Map below)

構内図 Campus Map: https://www.keio.ac.jp/en/assets/download/maps/mita/map_mita.pdf


お問い合わせ先:慶應義塾大学文学部 岡田光弘研究室



Email: logic@abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp



アブストラクト ABSTRACT:

Types and behavioral indiscernibility


In computing theory, the type of a program is an information partially specifying the task it  performs. Within the framework of (what is usually called) the Proofs-as-Programs and Propositions-as-Types paradigm, a type (a.k.a. a proposition) is defined as a set of programs having some common behavior w.r.t. a specific undecidable property (the termination of execution when entering in interaction with contexts). The talk will be devoted to investigate the underlying classifying methodology used to define the notion of type (typing by closure by bi-orthogonality) which, in that particular case, is used to classify computational behaviors.