

今週末に開かれる POPL 2022 Virtual Workshop の案内をお送りいたします。

叢 悠悠

The in-person POPL 2022 conference week just wrapped up, but its separate virtual supplement is about to begin!  We are planning two days of high-interaction online events, scheduled to be accessible across time zones.  Please consider attending, regardless of whether you participated in last week's hybrid events.  We have a number of plenary sessions and networking opportunities planned; see below for details.

Check out the web site for the virtual workshop:


There are two ways to participate.  The less-interactive way is to watch a YouTube stream, which will be embedded in the page above, closer to the event.  The second way is to register for POPL and join in the Airmeet virtual-conference software:


Registrations from hybrid POPL Week also grant access to the virtual workshop, using the same Airmeet software.  Those who want the full virtual-workshop experience but didn't register for hybrid POPL Week can still register at the relatively low virtual-only rate.

What's happening at the virtual workshop?

Hang out in the Lounge section of Airmeet, to video-chat with authors of POPL Week papers or discuss whatever's on your mind.

Join a speed-networking session to be randomly matched with others on complementary sides of four divides: POPL sponsor companies chatting with job seekers, faculty chatting with prospective faculty and PhD students, mentors chatting with junior-faculty mentees, and mentors chatting with senior-PhD-student and postdoc mentees.  If a short conversation reveals that an even longer conversation is called for, use Airmeet's "private meetings" feature to schedule something that becomes integrated into your personal view of the workshop schedule (or use your own out-of-band mechanism, of course).

Then there are the plenary sessions, designed to be interactive, with speakers taking live questions and adjusting demos accordingly.

In our first keynote, Lukasz Kaiser from OpenAI will present their Codex system, including an interactive demo and Q&A. This is the programming-by-machine-learning system that has so many people excited lately!

Our second keynote is from Andreas Rossberg, who is a lead designer of the formal semantics for WebAssembly, in addition to playing other key roles in the design and support of that language, meant to be the ideal cross-platform compiler target for the web and more. He will tell us about the social and technical sides of that effort. If you haven’t already, you might want to consider targeting WebAssembly from your next research compiler!

In our first tutorial, Hakjoo Oh will teach us how to bring machine-learning tools into program-analysis research.

Our second tutorial is Rustan Leino showing off some of the more advanced features of his Dafny verification tool.

Our first panel is on the future of proof assistants for programming languages and math, featuring Kevin BuzzardFavoniaZhong Shao, and Nicolas Tabareau.

Our second panel, on the future of concurrency and parallelism, features Stephanie BalzerJeehoon KangKeshav Pingali, and Ilya Sergey.