Dear all,
We are happy to announce that the 57th TRS meeting will take place in Eiheiji-cho, Fukui on September 27 - 29, 2022. The meeting is hybrid, so you can attend it online. Note that the meeting is co-located with TPP 2022.
The deadline for registration of the TRS Meeting is August 30 (Tue), 2022. Your participation is most welcome!
Best regards, Nao Hirokawa & Mizuhito Ogawa (JAIST)
第57回 TRS ミーティングの参加募集の案内をお送り致します。 ミーティングは福井県永平寺町にて開催されますが、オンラインでの 参加も可能となっております。また TPP 2022 と連続開催されます。 皆様、奮ってご参加下さい。参加申し込み期限は8月30日です。
廣川・小川 (JAIST)
====================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 57nd TRS Meeting September 27 - 29, 2022, Eiheiji-cho, Fukui, Japan ======================================================================
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. Participants are requested to give a talk of approximately 15 to 60 minutes in English on their research activities. The subject of the talk is not required to be one's original result; for example, explaining an interesting paper is perfectly OK. See also:
* Basic information
Dates: Sep 27 (Tue) 14:00 - Sep 29 (Thu) 12:00, 2022
Style: Hybrid meeting
Note: The meeting is co-located with TPP 2022.
About on-site participation: - venue: Zen no Sato - Mirai ( Suwama 4-11, Eiheijichou, Yoshidagun, Fukui, Japan - capacity: <= 15 participants. *First come, first served* So register now! - fee: tba (most likely ≤ 30,000 yen for 2 nights, including breakfasts and dinners.)
About online participation: - meeting system: Webex - meeting URL: tba - fee: free
* Registration
Please send the following registration form to me by August 30 (Tue), 2022.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 57th TRS Meeting
Name: Affiliation:
participation: [on-site / online] If you choose on-site, please leave one: [Male / Female]
Title of talk (*): Duration of talk (*):
Requests/comments (on foods, partial participation, etc.):
---------------------------------------------------------------------- The items marked with * can be sent later.