東北大学の堀畑佳宏です. 下記の日程でロジックセミナーを行いますので,興味のある方はぜひご参加ください.
日時:6月3日(金),16時から 場所:東北大学北青葉山キャンパス理学総合棟1201号室 発表者:Sam Sanders (Ghent university,東北大学大学院) タイトル: Nonstandard Analysis: a new way to compute アブストラクト: The notion of computability (in principle) is central to topics like e.g. Recursion Theory and Erret Bishop's Constructive Analysis. In contrast, the notion of computability has not been studied intensively in the context Nonstandard Analysis. Bishop even notoriously derided Nonstandard Analysis for its `lack of computational content'. Today, we set the historical record straight. We introduce `$\omega$-invariance' a new notion of computability based on Nonstandard Analysis. We show that $\omega$-invariance has the usual properties of computability and even derive several results from Constructive Reverse Mathematics.
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堀畑 佳宏 -- -- 東北大学大学院 理学研究科 数学専攻 博士後期課程三年 E-mail: sa6m31@math.tohoku.ac.jp E-mail: higurashi3873@yahoo.co.jp