量子情報のポスドク募集に関する代理投稿を させていただきます.
大阪府立大学理学系研究科 西村治道
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 立命館の山下茂と申します. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republik での以下のポスドクの募集案内を日本 国内の量子情報関連MLへの配布を依頼されましたので、MLへ通して下記の案内 をさせてください。複数お受け取りになったらご容赦ください。
Postdoc position in Quantum Information at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republik
A 2-year (with possible extension to 3 years) postdoctoral position in Quantum Information Processing Theory is opening in Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, starting with September 2012, in the group of prof. Jozef Gruska (http://www.fi.muni.cz/quantum).
Possible research areas includes - but are not restricted to - models of quantum computations, quantum algorithms, quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement, quantum (pseudo-telepathic) games.
The successful candidate will be member of the Quantum information processing and cryptography laboratory that has currently 8 members including two postdocs. The group has close and intensive contacts with quantum groups in Bratislava and Vienna,
Faculty of Informatics has more than 2500 students (http://www.fi.muni.cz) and close contacts with Departments of mathematics and Physics of the Faculty of Natural sciences.
Applicants must hold a PhD - or be about to obtain one - in informatics, physics or mathematics and should be able to demonstrate very good English and strong research track record.
Once application is successful, position should be taken during the period August 15 - September 1, 2012.
The following information should be provided in an application:
* CV * PhD diploma * A proof of good English (outcomes of TOEFL, CAE or an equivalent test). * Statement of research interest * Lists of publications and presentations * Two representative publications * Two letters of recommendations
Electronic publications are preferred. They should be sent via email to gruska@fi.muni.cz or via postal mail to
Prof. Jozef Gruska Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Botanicka 68a 60200 Brno, Czech Republic
For the official web side of the whole postdocs programs and conditions see http://www.mu.cz/research/postdoctoral ` An applicant will receive 55000 Kc per month (what corresponds concerning exchange rate to about 2200 EUR (and with respect to the living costs to about 3000-3300 EUR in Western Europe). In addition, he/she will receive standard health care insurance for himself/herself) Reasonable traveling and office money are also available