今年10月にコロンビアで開かれる国際会議 ICTAC の 論文募集をお送りします.ご投稿をお待ちしております.
********************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS -- ICTAC 2015 12th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing 29-31 October 2015, Cali, Colombia http://www.ictac2015.co
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: JUNE 5, 2015. **********************************************************************
ICTAC 2015 will take place at the campus of Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia during October 29-31, 2015. The ICTAC conference series aims at bringing together practitioners and researchers to exchange ideas and experiences addressing challenges in theoretical aspects of computing as well as in exploiting theory through methods and tools for system development. ICTAC also aims to promote cooperation between participants and institutions from developing and industrial countries in research and education.
THEMES AND TOPICS OF PAPERS Topics of interest include theories of computation and programming, foundations of software engineering and formal techniques in software design and verification, as well as tools that support formal techniques for software modeling, system design and verification.
The topical areas of the conference include, but are not limited to * Automata theory and formal languages; * Principles and semantics of programming languages; * Theories of concurrency, mobility and reconfiguration; * Logics and their applications; * Software architectures, their models, refinement and verification; * Relationship between software requirements, models and code; * Program static and dynamic analysis and verification; * Software specification, refinement, verification and testing; * Model checking and theorem proving; * Models of object and component systems; * Coordination and feature interaction; * Integration of theories, formal methods and tools for engineering computing systems; * Service-oriented architectures: models and development methods; * Models of concurrency, security, and mobility; * Theory of distributed, grid and cloud computing; * Real-time, embedded, hybrid and cyber-physical systems; * Type and category theory in computer science.
INVITED SPEAKERS * Jean-Raymond Abrial * Volker Diekert * César Muñoz * Catuscia Palamidessi * Davide Sangiorgi * Moshe Vardi * Glynn Winskel
ASSOCIATED EVENTS * ICTAC Summer School on Formal Methods (October 25-27) * DCM 2015: 11th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models (October 28)
PAPER SUBMISSION == Important Dates * Abstract submission: Monday, June 1, 2015. * Paper submission: Friday, June 5, 2015. * Author notification: Monday, July 20, 2015. * Camera ready: Monday, August 3, 2015.
== Paper Categories and Format We call for submissions, related to the above areas and topics, according to the following three categories: * Regular papers, with original research contributions; * Short papers, on recent work or proposals of emerging challenges; * Tool papers, on tools that support formal techniques for software modeling, system design and verification. Submissions should adhere to the LNCS format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for details). Regular papers should not exceed 18 pages. Short and tool papers should not exceed 10 pages.
Submissions to the colloquium must not have been published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, as well as their relevance to the conference.
==Submission Link Papers must be submitted by using www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictac2015.
==Proceedings As for the past editions, the proceedings of ICTAC 2015 will be published by Springer in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
==Special Issue Extended versions of selected papers from ICTAC 2015 will be invited to a special issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=MSC).
GENERAL CHAIRS * Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck (DE). * Camilo Rueda, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali (CO). * Frank Valencia, CNRS and LIX, Ecole Polytechnique (FR).
CONTACT CHAIR * Frank D. Valencia (frank.valencia@gmail.com).
PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Nazareno Aguirre (AR) * Gerard Assayag (FR) * Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (BR) * Pablo Barceló (CL) * Gustavo Betarte (UY) * Filippo Bonchi (FR) * Marco Carbone (DK) * Ilaria Castellani (FR) * Néstor Cataño (CO) * Gabriel Ciobanu (RO) * Silvia Crafa (IT) * Pedro R. D'Argenio (AR) * Nicolas D'Ippolito (AR) * Stefan Dantchev (UK) * Rocco De Nicola (IT) * Yuxin Deng (CN) * Gilles Dowek (FR) * Moreno Falaschi (IT) * José Luiz Fiadeiro (UK) * Wan Fokkink (NL) * Fabio Gadducci (IT) * Julian Gutierrez (UK) * Stefan Haar (FR) * Thomas Hildebrandt (DK) * Einar Broch Johnsen (NO) * Bartek Klin (PL) * Marta Kwiatkowska (UK) * Kim G. Larsen (DK) * Martin Leucker (DE) (co-chair) * Etienne Lozes (FR) * Larissa Meinicke (AU) * Hernan Melgratti (AR) * Dominique Mery (FR) * Matteo Mio (FR) * Andrzej Murawski (UK) * Vivek Nigam (BR) * Mauricio Osorio (MX) * Prakash Panangaden (CA) * Jorge A. Pérez (NL) * Elaine Pimentel (BR) * António Ravara (PT) * Camilo Rocha (CO) * Camilo Rueda (CO) (co-chair) * Augusto Sampaio (BR) * Vijay Saraswat (US) * Vladimiro Sassone (UK) * Gerardo Schneider (SE) * Alexandra Silva (NL) * Jiri Srba (DK) * Jean-Bernard Stefani (FR) * Perdita Stevens (UK) * Kohei Suenaga (JP) * Alwen Tiu (SG) * Kazunori Ueda (JP) * Frank Valencia (FR) (co-chair) * Vasco T. Vasconcelos (PT) * Kapil Vaswani (IN) * Björn Victor (SE) * Igor Walukiewicz (FR) * Farn Wang (TW) * Alan Wassyng (CA) * Gianluigi Zavattaro (IT)