** BLAST 2011 **
June 1-5, 2011 Lawrence, Kansas
BLAST (Boolean algebras, Lattices, Algebraic logic, Set theory, and Topology; quantum logic and point-free topology have been added to the mix) is a series of annual conferences. The first three BLAST conferences were at the University of Denver, New Mexico State University, and the University of Colorado in Boulder. Go to the BLAST 2011 website for complete details:
* Important Deadlines *
Early registration: May 15, 2011
Abstracts: May 15, 2011 In order to give a talk, one must submit a title and abstract for the talk by May 15, 2011. Please submit titles and abstracts at the Atlas. Abstracts submitted after May 1, 2011, will not appear in the booklet of abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed here:
Hotel Accommodations: April 30, 2011 to guarantee conference rates
The conference organizers can be contacted at: blast2011@math.ku.edu