東京大学の蓮尾です.ワルシャワ大学の Bartek Klin さんからの 博士課程学生募集のメッセージを転送します. プロジェクトの内容は bialgebra と operational semantics で, 給料はとても良くはありませんが,ワルシャワの物価を考えると 十分な額だと思います.ごはんもおいしくて楽しい街です. また,同じプロジェクトでポスドクの募集もそのうちに あるそうです.
蓮尾 一郎 www-mmm.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ichiro/
Two PhD student positions will soon be available to work under the direction of Bartek Klin in the Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw.
The positions are in the field of semantics of programming languages and process algebras, in connection to the project "Modular operational semantics: a bialgebraic approach", funded by the Polish National Science Center. The applicants should have solid background in Mathematics and Computer Science, and be interested in topics such as semantics of programming languages, process algebra, formal methods, and/or category theory.
The positions will be available from October 2013. Interested candidates should apply for a PhD fellowship at the Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science (http://www.wcmcs.edu.pl/node/38), with the deadline of
*** June 7th, 2013 ***.
A successful candidate will earn 5000PLN(~1200EUR)/month (3500PLN tax-free from the WCMCS fellowship + 1500PLN pre-tax funded by the research project), subject to yearly evaluation of progress. The positions are associated with teaching duties of up to 60 hours/year.
Any queries about the positions should be addressed to Bartek Klin, klin@mimuw.edu.pl .