[Apologies for multiple copies]
Dear all,
Let me advertise our next ERATO MMSD project colloquium talk by Paolo Arcaini on 9th May, 16:30-. Please find the title and the abstract below. You are all invited.
Sincerely, -- Natsuki Urabe urabenatsuki@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp The University of Tokyo, ERATO MMSD
Wed 9 May 2018, 16:30–18:00
ERATO MMSD Takebashi Site Common Room 3 http://group-mmm.org/eratommsd/access.html
Paolo Arcaini (National Institute of Informatics http://www.nii.ac.jp/), Decomposition-Based Approach for Model-Based Test Generation
Model-based test generation by model checking is a well-known testing
technique that, however, suffers from the state explosion problem of
model checking and it is, therefore, not always applicable. In this
talk, I present an approach that addresses this issue by decomposing a
system model into suitable subsystem models separately analyzable. The
technique consists in decomposing that portion of a system model that
is of interest for a given testing requirement, into a tree of
subsystems by exploiting information on model variable dependency. The
technique generates tests for the whole system model by merging tests
built from those subsystems. Effectiveness and efficiency of the
proposed decomposition-based test generation approach are measured
both in terms of coverage and time.