直前ですが、次のワークショップの案内を流させていただきます。岡田光弘 慶應義塾大学
Workshop “Norm, Rule and Disagreement” Keio University Jan.11th, 2019

ワークショップ”Norm, Rule and Disagreemtnt”のお知らせ(慶応義塾大1月11日)


次のようなワークショップを予定しています。参加自由、事前登録無しです。パリ第1大学哲学科及び同大学IHPST論理の哲学グループと共同企画し、毎年1月に開催しているワークショップシリーズの5回目に当たります。The following Workshop is organized as the 5th one of the workshop series co-organized with the philosophy of logic group of University of Paris-1 (of Department of Philosophy and of IHPST).
For updated information, see Workshop URL


 ***ABSTRACTS are posted on the above page.* **

 Time: Jan. 11th. Fri., 2019, 10:00-17:00, 1月11日金曜日   

Place: 6th Floor, G-Lab, East Building (Higashi-Kan), Mita Campus of Keio University,


Seven (7)  minutes walking distance from JR-Tamachi, Subway-Mita or Subway-Akabanebashi.


The South Building is #3 on  Mita-Campus Map below:

https: (in Japanese and in English)



10:00 introductory remark

10:10 Pierre Wagner (Department of Philosophy and IHPST, University of Paris-1)

"How to disagree in logic and mathematics?"

 11:10 Presentations from the collaborative project members on Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic (tentative), 
1, Yuta Takahashi (Nagoya University),
2. Ryota Akiyoshi (Waseda University)
titles to be announced

 11:50-13:00 Lunch Break

 13:00-13:40 Florencia Di Rocco (Keio University (and University of Paris-1))

 "Disagreement" and "language games"

 13:40-14:00 Discussion and Pause

 14:00 Yuichiro Hosokawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

"Belief, Knowledge and Possibility - Through Analysis of Gettier Problem by Modal Logic for Multiple Regions"

 14:40-15:00 Discussion and Pause

 15:00 Fleur Jongepier (Department of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, the neitherlands)

 "Algorithmic authority versus First-person authority"

 15:40-16:00 Discussion and Pause

 16:00 Mitsuhiro Okada (Department of Philosophy, Keio University)

Discussion on ”Formalism for Algorithmic Ethics” and

 "Norm. Rule and Disagreement"

 16:40 Closing Discussion Session

 17:00 Closing


Workshop organizer, Sponsor,

Global Research Center for Logic and Sensitivity, Keio University

Email of the Workshop Office: logic@abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp 


 慶應義塾大学 論理と感性のグローバル研究センター
