こんにちは。産総研の北村崇師と申します。 本研究所の Cyrille Artho に代わり、ポスドク募集のご案内させて頂きます。 応募のご検討、及び、関係各位へのご周知をいただけますと幸いです。
==================================================== Post-doc position available at AIST Kansai: Test generation/optimization ====================================================
Research related to:
• Test generation using model-based testing/constraint solving.
• Test case minimization using heuristics like delta debugging.
Start: 2013 (ideally April, but can be adjusted).
Duration: 1 year (extensible dep. on evaluation and restrictions below).
• Location: AIST Amagasaki, Japan (20 minutes from Osaka); Research Institute for Secure Systems, System Life-cycle Group. http://www.risec.aist.go.jp/
• Requirements: – Ph.D.at the time when the contract starts; degree must have been awarded less than 7 years ago. – Strong know-how in software analysis and algorithms. – Experience with Java or Scala, and C. – Good written and spoken communication in English.
• If interested, please submit your résumé with your publications and a list software projects in which you have participated.
• Contact:c.artho@aist.go.jp
-- Takashi KITAMURA t.kitamura@aist.go.jp, http://staff.aist.go.jp/t.kitamura/ Research Institute for Secure Systems (RISEC) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)