logic-ml の皆様、
北海道大学の佐野です。山田友幸先生の代理で下記の cfpを投稿いたします。
3rd Call for Papers (Deadline Extended) ************************************************************ Special Issue of RAP (Review of Analytic Philosophy) on
Logics of Communicative Interaction
We invite submissions to a Special Issue on `Logics of Communicative Interaction'. This special issue will appear in the peer-reviewed international journal called the `Review of Analytic Philosophy', which was first launched in 2021 as a new Open Access journal in analytic philosophy.
This special issue welcomes new work on the logical study of dynamic changes that take place in scenarios of communicative interaction. Complex forms of change in cognitive states of agents and their social relations can occur in the process of communicative interaction, which calls for a detailed logical analysis. A central topic in such an analysis is the triggers of such changes and their effects during the process of communication. The triggers can include a variety of possible speech acts while an analysis of their effect will typically zoom-in on the formal representations of agent's doxastic and epistemic attitudes as well as the deontic status of action types available to them. The study of such logics for communicative interaction can be approached from different disciplines, including logic, epistemology, argumentation theory, social choice theory, AI, Computer Science, and Philosophy. More specifically, this special issue welcomes work on the following topics:
- Dynamic Logics of Communication
- Logics of Speech Acts
- Logics for Belief Change and Knowledge Updates
- Dynamic Epistemic Logics
- Logical analysis of Communication in Social Networks
- Dynamic Deontic Logic
All papers will be peer reviewed according to the standards of the Journal. Authors are advised to read the CFP of the journal downloadable from the following page:
https://rap-journal.net/call-for-papers/ .
All the conditions specified in the CFP of the journal apply except the condition on the publication fee: papers accepted for publication in this special issue will be published free of charge.
Submission details:
Manuscripts should be between 8000 and 10000 words and submitted as a double-spaced Word document or PDF file with an abstract of around 150 words. They should be fully anonymized to ensure double-blind reviewing. Manuscripts are submitted under the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere, either in whole or in part, and are not currently under review elsewhere. Submissions can be made via the online submission form at
or by email attachments (rap@myukk.org).
If the authors intend to use LaTeX for preparing the manuscript, please use the standard article class and submit the manuscript in the form of a PDF file (neither the source files nor the dvi file).
Submission Deadline: 31st October 2023 (Extended)
All inquiries should be sent to rap@myukk.org .
Guest co-editors of the special issue: Sonja Smets Tomoyuki Yamada --------------------- CFP Ends --------------------
-- Katsuhiko Sano