量子情報科学に関する国際会議AQIS2019のCFPを 代理投稿させていただきます. 締め切りまで2週間弱ですが関連する成果をお持ちの方の 積極的なご投稿を宜しくお願い致します.
名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科 西村治道
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS
19th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS'19)http://aqis-conf.org/2019/
19-23 August 2019, Seoul, Korea
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We would like to draw your attention, and that of the quantum information community, to the 19th edition of the Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS'19).
AQIS is the leading conference in the subject in Asia and one of the longest-running worldwide, its highly successful predecessors having been EQIS'01-05 and AQIS'06-18. The topics covered include (but are not limited to) quantum computing, quantum information processing, quantum communication and cryptography, and foundations of quantum mechanics.
Details about the conference are to be found on the website http://aqis-conf.org/2019/ Please check repeatedly as the information there will be updated regularly.
Like its previous editions, AQIS'19 will consist of tutorials, invited talk, as well as oral and poster presentations, selected by a high-profile international program committee. Invited speakers are:
* Giulio Chiribella (Hong Kong University) * Peng Xue (Beijing Computational Science Research Center) * XiaoLiang Qi (Stanford University) * Michelle Simmons (University of New South Wales / CQC2T) * Kihwan Kim (Tsinghua University) * Joe Fitzsimons (Singapore University of Technology and Design) * ChaoYang Lu (University of Science and Technology of China) * Liang Jiang (Yale University)
Tutorials are: * Nathan Wiebe (Microsoft Research) ― Quantum Machine Learning * Debbie Leung (University of Waterloo) ― Embezzlement and Applications
The submission deadline is 25 May 2019 (Sat), 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE).
All submissions should follow the guidelines specified on the web site:http://aqis-conf.org/2019/submission/
We are looking forward to seeing you in Seoul!
Committee Chairs Steering Committee: Jaewan KIM (KIAS, Chair) Program Committee: Howard Wiseman (Griffith U, Chair) Runyao Duan (U Tech Sydney / Baidu, Co-Chair) Eleanor Rieffel (NASA, Co-Chair) Organizing Committee: Jaewan KIM (KIAS, Chair)