講演者: Professor Dick de Jongh (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) 題: Logic and Learning 日時: 2013年10月25日(金) 4:30pm- Date: Oct 25, 2013, 4:30pm- 場所: 東京理科大学神楽坂キャンパス 森戸記念館第2フォーラム http://www.tus.ac.jp/facility/morito/ ( アクセス http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/access/kagcamp.html) Location: 2nd Forum, Morito Memorial Hall, Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science (directionshttp://www.tus.ac.jp/en/campus/kagurazaka.html ) 参加無料 事前申し込み不要
Abstract: Learning and learnability have been long standing topics of interests within the linguistic, computational, and epistemological accounts of inductive inference. This proximity relation between logic and learning is examined with respect to learning and belief revision, knowledge updating and efficiency, concentrating on knowledge updating. See Nina Gierasimczuk, Vincent Hendricks and Dick de Jongh, Logic and Learning, to appear in: Outstanding Contributions: Johan van Benthem. Trends in Logic Book Series, Springer 2013, and Nina Gierasimczuk and Dick de Jongh, On the complexity of Conclusive Update, The Computer Journal (2013) 56(3): 365-377.
問合わせ先: 西口純代 東京理科大学経営学部 email: nishiguchi@rs.tus.ac.jp