From: jean-yves beziau [] Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 3:44 AM To: Kensaku GOMI
Forwarded to: Logic-ml Subject: UNILOG'2015 in Istanbul and 10th PLS in Samos Island
Hope to see you at the 5th UNILOG -
World Congress and School on Universal Logic to happen in Istanbul, June 20-30, 2015
As indicated in our website:
The event is organized in combination with the 10th Panhellenic Logic Symposium that will happen June 11-15, 2015 in Samos Island, where Pythagoras was born.
A travel by bus from the nearby port of Kusadasi in Turkey up to Istanbul will be organized with stops on famous historical sites: Ephesus, Troy, etc. Special arrangements will exist for participants who wish to attend both conferences.
I am sending you attached the posters for UNILOG'2015 and the related contest "The Future of Logic".
I would be glad if you can print them (colour A3) and post them at your university /institute
or if you prefer I can send them to you by post (then send me your exact mailing address)
I wish you a happy new year 2015
Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor-in-Chief - Logica Universalis
Latest Issue
Scope of Logic Theorems - In Memoriam Adolf Lindenbaum