CAPEレクチャーのご案内 (重複してお受け取りの際はご容赦ください。)
------------------- 日時:2016年11月14日(月) 16:30--18:00 場所:京都大学 文学部校舎1階 会議室 話者:Prof. Zach Weber (University of Otago) 言語:英語
題目: Paraconsistent set theory and inconsistent mathematics 概要: Paraconsistent set theory takes as axiomatic the `naive' comprehension principle that every collection forms a set. The infamous paradoxes are then just theorems. The background logic that makes this coherently possible is substantially weaker than classical logic; but the expressive power of the theory is substantially stronger than classical set theory. With these competing forces in the background, we will look at two interrelated goals:
Recapture -- reassurance that nothing too important mathematically is lost Expansion -- where new insights and results are gained, studying novel mathematical objects not visible with any other theory
I will survey the development of paraconsistent set theory, showing how the basic properties of ordinal and cardinal numbers can be established, along with new perspectives on `proper classes', the axiom of choice, and the continuum hypothesis. With this foundation, I will mention some further work in inconsistent mathematics: from computability theory, arithmetic, analysis, and topology. Throughout I will call attention to the challenges that this research program faces. -------------------