logic-ml の皆様,
大阪府立大学の西村と申します.国際会議AQIS2011の御案内 をさせていただきます. 量子計算,量子論理など量子情報科学に興味をお持ちの方は ぜひ参加の程ご検討いただければ幸いです. 宜しくお願い致します.
西村治道 大阪府立大学理学系研究科 〒599-8531 堺市中区学園町1−1 TEL: 072-254-9693 E-mail: hnishimura@mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp
============================================================ The 11th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference http://newton.kias.re.kr/aqis11 August 23 - 30, 2011 Tutorial: August 23, Main conference: August 24-27 Special Programs: August 28, A Satellite Workshop at KIAS, Seoul: August 29-30 Venue: Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea Organized by Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Co-organized by Pukyong National University
Important Dates: Submission deadline: June 20, 2011 Acceptance notification: July 17, 2011 Final draft: August 7, 2011 ============================================================ Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students.
The 11th AQIS conference will be focused on new theoretical and experimental development in quantum information processing, communication and cryptography and on both physics and computing aspects of the field. Program is to consists of invited talks, selected presentations and posters, as well as tutorials and satellite workshops. Areas of coverage include (but are not limited to):
-Quantum computation, programming, algorithms and complexity -Quantum information theory -Quantum decoherence fighting concepts, methods and tool -Quantum cryptography theory and experiments -Quantum communication experiments and theory -Quantum technologies (optics, NMR, solid states,...) -Quantum computers and processors design -Quantum information processing impacts on other sciences
Social program will include excursion to the exciting Gyeongju that was the capital of Silla (ancient Korea) for 1000 years.
Keynote Speakers: Gilles Brassard (University of Montreal) Yoshihisa Yamamoto (NII, Tokyo, Stanford University) Tutorial Lecturers: Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia, Riga) Jozef Gruska (Masaryk University, Brno) Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Calgary) Invited Speakers: Charles Bennett (IBM, Yorktown Heights) Guoping Guo (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei) Wu-Ming Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) Mio Murao (University of Tokyo, Tokyo) Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M University, Qatar) Rajiah Simon (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) Shigeki Takeuchi (Osaka University, Osaka) Andreas Winter (University of Bristol, Bristol)[to be confirmed]
Contact Information: Se-Wan Ji, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Hoegiro 87, Dongdaemun, SEOUL, KOREA [130-722] Tel: +82-2-958-3863 Fax: +82-2-958-3820 Email: aqis11@kias.re.kr
Steering Committee Chair: Jozef Gruska (Masaryk University, Brno) Conference Chairs: Jaewan Kim (KIAS, Seoul) Hai-Woong Lee (KAIST, Daejeon) Program committee: Andris Ambainis (Co-Chair; University of Latvia, Riga) Almut Beige (U Leeds) Charles Bennett (IBM) Warwick Bowen (U Queensland) Giulio Chiribella (PI, Ontario) Sang Kyung Choi (KRISS) His-Sheng Goan (NTU) Andrew Greentree (U Melbourne) Guang-Can Guo (USTC, Hefei) Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto U) Hyunseok Jeong (Seoul Nat'l U) Jaewan Kim (Chair; KIAS) Kisik Kim (Inha U) Yoon Ho Kim (POSTECH) Julien Laurat (CNRS, Paris) Hai-Woong Lee (KAIST) Jinhyoung Lee (Hanyang U) Peter van Loock (Max-Planck Inst) Norbert Lutkenhaus (U Waterloo) Kae Nemoto (NII, Tokyo) Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M U, Qatar) Franco Nori (RIKEN/U Michigan) Arun Pati (Inst Physics, Bhubaneswar) Martin B Plenio (U Ulm) Daowen Qiu (Zhongshan U, Guangzhou) Martin Roetteler (NEC Labs) Barry Sanders (U Calgary) Stephanie Wehner (CQT/NUS) Andreas Winter (U Bristol) Shigeru Yamashita (Ritsumeikan U) Bei Zeng (IQC, U Waterloo) Shengyu Zhang (CUHK, Hong Kong)
Organizing Committee: Kyungsik Kim (Chair; Pukyong National University, Busan) Tae-Gon Noh (Kyungsung University, Busan) Sang Wook Kim (Pusan National University, Busan) Han Seb Moon (Pusan National University, Busan) Se-Wan Ji (KIAS, Seoul) Shigeru Yamashita (Ritsumeikan University, Nara) Sheng-Mei Zhao (NUPT, Nanjing) Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon University, Goesan) ============================================================