あけましておめでとうございます。 東京工業大学の叢です。
POPL 2022 の併設ワークショップ PEPM 2022 の参加募集をお送りいたします。 オンライン開催で、特に2日目はアジアから参加しやすいスケジュールになっています。 早期参加登録の締切は日本時間の1月4日 20:59 です。
叢 悠悠
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on PARTIAL EVALUATION AND PROGRAM MANIPULATION (PEPM) 2022 ===============================================================================
* Website : https://popl22.sigplan.org/home/pepm-2022 * Time : 17th--18th January 2022 * Place : Online (co-located with POPL 2022, with no physical component)
PEPM brings together researchers in partial evaluation, program manipulation, and related areas. This year, we are announcing "PEPM 30", a project aiming at preserving and celebrating the history of PEPM. To this effect, the program includes five invited talks by the key contributors of the PEPM community. We will have a PEPM 30+ History Celebration Day at PEPM 2023.
Invited Talks:
* Andrei Klimov "Why are partial evaluation and supercompilation still not widely used in practice? Reflections in light of Russian work on metacomputation."
* Y. Annie Liu "From meta frameworks and transformations to distributed computing and more"
* Frank Pfenning "Modal Logics and Types: Looking Back and Looking Forward"
* Naoki Kobayashi "On Type-Based Techniques for Program Manipulation"
* Peter Sestoft "A partial history of partial evaluation"
Please find the full program at:
and register yourself at:
Note that early registration closes on January 3rd.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Zena M. Ariola (Program Co-Chair) Youyou Cong (Program Co-Chair)