Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science
Call for Papers: Infinity in Mathematics and Philosophy
On the occasion of the annual meeting of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2010, 12.-13. June, 2010 on Ikuta Campus of Senshu University, Kawasaki, Japan, a symposium on "Infinity in Mathematics and Philosophy" was held with keynote lectures by Professors Juliet Floyd (Boston Univ.) and Akihiro Kanamori (Boston Univ.) and a panel discussion with a panel of speakers Professors Kanamori and Floyd as well as Professors Kazuhisa Todayama (Nagoya Univ.) and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (Tokyo Univ.) facilitated by SakaƩ Fuchino (Kobe Univ.)
In connection with this symposium, a special section in an issue of Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science is planned with the invited papers including those by the keynote speakers and other participants of the panel discussion, as well as contributed papers. Potential authors of the contributed papers for this special section are encouraged to submit articles which should deal with the "infinity in mathematics and philosophy'' in a broad sense either from philosophical, mathematical, mathematically logical, historical or sociological point of view, or else from a view point consisting of any combination of these.
The submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors are kindly asked to prepare the manuscripts according to the guide lines of the journal (see "notes to contributors" The deadline of the submission is by March 31, 2011. A copy in the form of a pdf file and/or a file in any other common format should be sent to the association ( or directly to the guest editor of the special section: SakaƩ Fuchino (