URL:https://abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp/person/minesima/seminar/clseminar.html 日時:10月10日(火) 16:30〜 場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス西校舎544教室 (地図の5番の建物) ( https://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/maps/mita.html) 形式:対面のみ(事前登録は必要ありません) 講演者:中村誠希 (東京工業大学) 講演タイトル:(Un)decidability and Complexity of Equational Theories of Existential Calculi of Relations 概要: We consider the (un)decidability and complexity of equational theories of calculi of relations. Calculi of relations are algebraic systems with operations on binary relations (such as union, intersection, complement, composition, converse, and transitive closure). In this talk, after introducing Tarski's calculus of relations, we focus on some equational theories of ``existential'' calculi of relations, give sketches of the (un)decidability and complexity results, and give open problems. Here, ``existential'' means that complement only applies to constants or variables. Such fragments are related with existential logics.