名古屋大学の木原貴行です.この度,ブリュッセル自由大学のArno Pauly氏の日本訪問の折に,下記の要領で名古屋ロジックセミナーを開催することとなりました.多数のご参加をお待ちしております.
名古屋ロジックセミナー http://www.math.mi.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~kihara/logic-seminar.html
日時:7月21日 (金) 15:30〜 場所:名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科棟 314室
講演者:Arno Pauly (ブリュッセル自由大学) 題目:Computability: From ω^ω to κ^κ アブストラクト: Recently Galeotti and Nobrega [1,2] have suggested to generalize computable analysis and the theory of Weihrauch degrees to higher cardinalities. The central role taken by Baire space ω^ω in the classic theories is then filled by κ^κ for a cardinal κ with κ^{<κ}, the reals are replaced by initial segments of the surreal numbers and Turing machines are generalized to ordinal time Turing machines. Initial investigations have reveiled that some results carry over directly, whereas other core questions can become inpendent of ZFC. I will outline both the classic theory and its the generalization to higher cardinalities. In particular, I will highlight some open questions and challenges.
[1] Lorenzo Galeotti: A candidate for the generalised real line, CiE 2016. [2] Lorenzo Galeotti and Hugo Nobrega: Towards computable analysis on the generalised real line, CiE 2017.
Takayuki Kihara Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Japan URL: http://math.mi.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~kihara/ Email: kihara@i.nagoya-u.ac.jp