こちらは第61回 TRS Meeting の参加募集になります。 参加する場合は私 saito@jaist.ac.jp に参加フォームを埋めてメールで送ってください。 参加登録の締切は 2025 年の1月10日です。
齊藤 哲平 (JAIST)
====================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 61st TRS Meeting March 10 – 12, 2025, Kaga, Ishikawa, Japan https://www.jaist.ac.jp/~s2320025/trs61/ ======================================================================
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. All participants are requested to present their recent activities, observations, etc. (in English). The subject of the talk, however, is not required to be one's original result; for example, it is perfectly acceptable to explain a paper of your interest or a tool that you're developing. See http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hirokawa/trs-meeting/ for further information.
* Basic information
Dates: March 10 (Mon) afternoon - March 12 (Wed) morning, 2025
Venue: Yamashiro-onsen Yunokuni Tensyo (Ishikawa, Japan) https://yunokunitensyo.jp/en/
Accomodation fee: 20,900 JPY per night (shared-room by 4 persons, including breakfast and dinner) + 150 JPY onsen-tax
Participation fee: TBA (expected to be approximately 10,000 JPY, depending on the number of participants)
* Registration
Please send the following registration form to Teppei Saito by email. The deadline is January 10 (Fri), 2025. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 61st TRS Meeting
Name: Affiliation:
Title of talk (*): Duration of talk (*):
Requests/comments (on foods, partial participation, etc.):
---------------------------------------------------------------------- The items marked with * can be sent later.