メーリングリストをお借りして、PPDP'10 の論文募集をお送りします。 論文締切は3月15日(アブストラクトは8日)です。
上田 和紀@早稲田大学
====================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS
PPDP 2011 13th International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming http://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/ppdp11/ July 20-22, 2011, Odense, Denmark
(in cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN, co-located with LOPSTR 2011) ======================================================================
PPDP 2011 aims to provide a forum that brings together researchers from the declarative programming communities, including those working in the logic, constraint and functional programming paradigms, but also embracing a variety of other paradigms such as visual programming, executable specification languages, database languages, AI languages and knowledge representation languages used, for example, in the semantic web. The goal is to stimulate research in the use of logical formalisms and methods for specifying, performing, and analyzing computations, including mechanisms for mobility, modularity, concurrency, object-orientation, security, and static analysis. Papers related to the use of declarative paradigms and tools in industry and education are especially solicited.
The conference will held in cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and take place in July 2011 in Odense, Denmark, co-located with the 21st International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2011).
TOPICS: - Logic, Constraint, and Functional Programming - Database, AI and Knowledge Representation Languages - Visual Programming - Executable Specification Languages - Applications of Declarative Programming - Methodologies: Program Design and Development - Declarative Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming - Concurrent Extensions to Declarative Languages - Declarative Mobile Computing - Integration of Paradigms - Proof Theoretic and Semantic Foundations - Type and Module Systems - Program Analysis and Verification - Program Transformation - Abstract Machines and Compilation - Programming Environments This list is not exhaustive - submissions describing new and interesting ideas relating broadly to declarative programming are encouraged.
IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract submission: March 8, 2011 Paper submission: March 15, 2011 Notification: April 19, 2011 Camera-ready version: May 12, 2011 Symposium: July 20-22, 2011
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Papers should be submitted via the submission website for PPDP 2011: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ppdp11 Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC chair in case of questions). Papers should consist of the equivalent of 12 pages under the ACM formatting guidelines. These guidelines are available online, along with formatting templates or style files. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should include a clear identification of what has been accomplished and why it is significant. Authors who wish to provide additional material to the reviewers beyond the 12-page limit can do so in clearly marked appendices: reviewers are not required to read such appendices.
PROCEEDINGS: The proceedings will be published by ACM Press. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a copyright form.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Peter Achten Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands Sergio Antoy Portland State University, USA Michael Codish Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Moreno Falaschi Universita di Siena, Italy Amy Felty University of Ottawa, Canada Michael Hanus University of Kiel, Germany (Chair) Andy King University of Kent, UK Helene Kirchner INRIA, France Francisco J. Lopez Fraguas Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Salvador Lucas Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK Kostis Sagonas Uppsala University, Sweden Peter Schneider-Kamp University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Doaitse Swierstra Utrecht University, The Netherlands Paul Tarau University of North Texas, USA Peter Thiemann University of Freiburg, Germany Kazunori Ueda Waseda University, Japan Tarmo Uustalu Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Peter Van Roy Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
For more information, contact the chairs:
Program Chair: Michael Hanus University of Kiel, Germany Email: mh@informatik.uni-kiel.de
Symposium Chair: Peter Schneider-Kamp University of Southern Denmark Email: petersk@imada.sdu.dk ----------------------------------------------------------------------