======== Announcement / Call for Contributions
RIMS workshop "Recent Developments in Set Theory of the Reals" Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 to Friday, October 15, 2021 Venue: ONLINE (via ZOOM meeting), based on Japan Standard Time 9am--5pm Contact: Masaru Kada (Osaka Prefecture University) / kada@mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp
Workshop Overview:
This online workshop, hosted by RIMS (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University), is mainly (but not only) focused on recent developments in set theory of the reals. The program will contain a minicourse (a series of lectures) as well as contributed talks. In the minicourse, we invite Joerg Brendle (Kobe University) and Diego Mejia (Shizuoka University), who will give us lectures on some forcing techniques (e.g., Boolean ultrapowers, submodel methods, etc.) and related results in set theory of the reals. We welcome every researcher in set theory or related research fields. Please join us!
Please submit a registration form to register your participation / contributed talk, from the following URL: https://forms.gle/1156YFMp1bN9GEDJ9
Deadline for contributed talks: September 9, 2021 Deadline for participation: October 10, 2021 ========
-------- Masaru KADA (嘉田 勝) kada@mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp --------