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北陸先端大の横山です。 9月にシンガポールで開催されます、CTFM2017のご案内をさせて頂きます。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
============================================================ Workshop on Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (National University of Singapore, 8 - 12 September 2017)
Abstracts of talks should be submitted via email to imsbox1@nus.edu.sg with subject line: CTFM2017 submission.
The length of abstract is limited to 2 pages including references. The authors are recommended to prepare their abstracts in the following IMS format: Tex file: http://ims.nus.edu.sg/files/IMSAbstractTemplate.tex PDF example: http://ims.nus.edu.sg/files/IMSAbstractTemplate.pdf
IMPORTANT DATE. Submission deadline: September 1, 2017. ============================================================
This workshop is the seventh in the Computability Theory and Foundations of Mathematics (CTFM) series. CTFM aims to provide a forum for computability theory and logical foundations of mathematics. The topics include, but are not limited to, Computability / Recursion Theory, Reverse Mathematics, Nonstandard Analysis, Proof Theory, Set Theory, Philosophy of Mathematics, Constructive Mathematics, Algorithmic Randomness and Computational Complexity.
CTFM began as a "Workshop on Proof Theory and Computability Theory" and held its first meeting in Japan. Previous venues were Matsushima (2008, 2009), Inawashiro (2010), Sendai (2011), Tokyo (2012). The series assumed the name "Computability and Foundations of Mathematics" at the 2013 meeting which was hosted in Tokyo. CTFM 2017 will be the first time a meeting in the series is held outside Japan.
The previous meetings attracted not only researchers in Japan but also many from around the world. In particular, since 2013, logicians from Singapore have had frequent scientific exchanges with their Japanese counterpart through the platform of the CTFM meetings.
The first day and the last day of the 2017 workshop will focus on classical recursion theory, and computable structures as well as reverse mathematics. The activities are held jointly with the program Aspect of Computation. The other two days will focus on topics in set theory and the foundations of mathematics. --------------------------------------------
Invited Speakers
Joerg Brendle (Kobe University, Japan) Satoru Kuroda (Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Japan) Ludovic Patey (The University of California, Berkeley, USA) Toshimichi Usuba (Waseda University, Japan) Thomas Zeugmann (Hokkaido University, Japan) Hao Zhaokuan (Fudan University, China) --------------------------------------------
Program Committee:
Dilip Raghavan (National University of Singapore) Stephen Simpson (Pennsylvania State University) Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore) Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku University) (Chair) Yue Yang (National University of Singapore) Keita Yokoyama (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Organizing Committee:
Chi Tat Chong (National University of Singapore) Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku University) Guohua Wu (Nanyang Technological University) Yue Yang (National University of Singapore) Keita Yokoyama (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
-- Keita Yokoyama y-keita@jaist.ac.jp