9月27~29日に第59回TRS meetingを出雲市で開催します。
現在、講演者を募集しております。講演希望の方は7月28日 までに下記の登録フォームをメールにて岩見へ送ってください。
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear all,
Please find below CFP for the 59th TRS meeting.
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
Best regards,
Munehiro Iwami Shimane University E-mail: munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp
====================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 59th TRS Meeting September 27 – 29, 2023, Shimane, Japan http://www.cis.shimane-u.ac.jp/~munehiro/trs-meeting59/ ======================================================================
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. All participants are requested to present their recent activities, observations, etc. (in English). The subject of the talk, however, is not required to be one's original result; for example, it is perfectly acceptable to explain a paper of your interest or a tool that you're developing. See http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hirokawa/trs-meeting/ for further information.
* Basic information
Dates: September 27(Wed) – 29(Fri), 2023 Venue: New Welcity IZUMO 2-15-1 Enyaarihara, Izumo, Shimane, Japan https://nwci.jp/ Registration Fee: 15,000 yen Accommodation Fee: 13,500 yen per night (incl. breakfast, dinner, drinks at dinner and tax)
The accommodation fee above is for using a single room.
* Registration
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 59th TRS meeting
Name: Affiliation: Title of talk (*): Duration of talk (*): Other requests/comments (on foods, partial participation, etc.): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The items marked with * can be sent later.
9月27~29日に第59回TRS meetingを出雲市で開催します。
現在、講演者を募集しております。講演希望の方は7月28日 までに下記の登録フォームをメールにて岩見へ送ってください。
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear all,
Please find below CFP for the 59th TRS meeting.
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
Best regards,
Munehiro Iwami Shimane University E-mail: munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp
====================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 59th TRS Meeting September 27 – 29, 2023, Shimane, Japan http://www.cis.shimane-u.ac.jp/~munehiro/trs-meeting59/ ======================================================================
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. All participants are requested to present their recent activities, observations, etc. (in English). The subject of the talk, however, is not required to be one's original result; for example, it is perfectly acceptable to explain a paper of your interest or a tool that you're developing. See http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hirokawa/trs-meeting/ for further information.
* Basic information
Dates: September 27(Wed) – 29(Fri), 2023 Venue: New Welcity IZUMO 2-15-1 Enyaarihara, Izumo, Shimane, Japan https://nwci.jp/ Registration Fee: 15,000 yen Accommodation Fee: 13,500 yen per night (incl. breakfast, dinner, drinks at dinner and tax)
The accommodation fee above is for using a single room.
* Registration
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 59th TRS meeting
Name: Affiliation: Title of talk (*): Duration of talk (*): Other requests/comments (on foods, partial participation, etc.): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The items marked with * can be sent later.
9月27~29日に第59回TRS meetingを出雲市で開催します。
現在、講演者を募集しております。講演希望の方は7月28日 までに下記の登録フォームをメールにて岩見へ送ってください。
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear all,
Please find below CFP for the 59th TRS meeting.
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
Best regards,
Munehiro Iwami Shimane University E-mail: munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp
====================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 59th TRS Meeting September 27 – 29, 2023, Shimane, Japan http://www.cis.shimane-u.ac.jp/~munehiro/trs-meeting59/ ======================================================================
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related areas. All participants are requested to present their recent activities, observations, etc. (in English). The subject of the talk, however, is not required to be one's original result; for example, it is perfectly acceptable to explain a paper of your interest or a tool that you're developing. See http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hirokawa/trs-meeting/ for further information.
* Basic information
Dates: September 27(Wed) – 29(Fri), 2023 Venue: New Welcity IZUMO 2-15-1 Enyaarihara, Izumo, Shimane, Japan https://nwci.jp/ Registration Fee: 15,000 yen Accommodation Fee: 13,500 yen per night (incl. breakfast, dinner, drinks at dinner and tax)
The accommodation fee above is for using a single room.
* Registration
Please send the registration form below to Munehiro Iwami (munehiro@cis.shimane-u.ac.jp) no later than July 28 (Fri), 2023.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form of the 59th TRS meeting
Name: Affiliation: Title of talk (*): Duration of talk (*): Other requests/comments (on foods, partial participation, etc.): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The items marked with * can be sent later.