Kobe Colloquium on Logic, Statistics and Informatics
日時:2012年1月16日(月)13:20-14:50 2012年1月18日(水)13:20-14:50 2012年1月19日(木)15:10-16:40 場所:神戸大学自然科学総合研究棟3号館4階421室(プレゼンテーション室) 講演者:Frank Tall (University of Toronto, Canada)
題目:Classic Lindelöf problems and selection principles (talk 1 and 2) 時間:16日(月)と18日(水)1:20-2:50
アブストラクト: There are many connections between classical topological problems concerning Lindelöf spaces and selection principles, such as (generalizations of) Rothberger, Menger, and Hurewicz properties. In the first talk, we will discuss these connections.
In the second talk, we will pursue further some of the topics introduced in the first talk, but it is not necessary to have gone to the first talk in order to understand the second.
題目:PFA(S)[S]: a useful model (talk 3) 時間:19日(木)3:10-4:40
アブストラクト: We introduce a model in which important consequences of PFA hold but also some combinatorics that follow from V=L. This talk is quite technical and assumes familiarity with proper forcing with elementary submodels as side conditions.
交通:阪急六甲駅またはJR六甲道駅から神戸市バス36系統「鶴甲団地」 行きに乗車,「神大本部工学部前」停留所下車,徒歩すぐ. http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/info/access/rokko/rokkodai-dai2.htm
連絡先:ブレンドレ ヨーグ brendle@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp