Logic-ml の皆様、
北海道大学の佐野勝彦と申します。CLAR 2021のcfpをお送りします。
CALL FOR PAPERS -------------------------------------------- Fourth International Conference on Logic and Argumentation (CLAR 2021) 20-22 October 2021, Hangzhou, China Hybrid (physical or virtual attendance) https://www.xixilogic.org/events/clar2021/ --------------------------------------------
The 4th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation (CLAR 2021) invites contributions from logic, artificial intelligence, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, law, and other areas studying logic and formal argumentation.
CLAR 2021 will be held in Hangzhou, 20-22 October 2021 at Zhejiang University City College. Due to the uncertainties of the epidemiological situation, the conference will be held in a HYBRID format (virtual and physical attendance both accepted), and we encourage physical participation if possible.
Papers accepted to CLAR 2021 will be published as Springer LNAI proceedings, and will be available online during the conference. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a journal special issue after the conference.
More information about CLAR 2021 can be found at the conference website: http://www.xixilogic.org/events/clar2021
The CLAR 2021 conference will highlight recent advances in logic and argumentation and foster interaction between these areas within and outside China. Previous conferences can be accessed via: http://www.xixilogic.org/events/clar
List of Topics -------------------- Suggested topics include, but are not limited to the following: * Abstract argumentation * Applications of logic and/or argumentation * Applied logic * Argumentation and game theory * Argumentation and law * Argumentation and linguistics * Argumentation and medical reasoning * Argumentation in AI * Argument mining * Argumentation schemes * BDI logic * Computational argumentation * Deontic logic * Dynamic epistemic logic and belief revision * Formal models for dialog and argumentation * Informal logic * Judgment aggregation * Knowledge representation and reasoning * Logic for game theory * Logic for multi-agent systems * Logic for semantic web * Logic for social network * Mathematical logic * Modal logic * Nonmonotonic logics * Numerical and uncertainty reasoning * Philosophical logic * Pragma-Dialectics * Preference logic * Structured argumentation * Uncertain argumentation
Submission Guidelines -------------------- We invite two types of submissions: full papers (12 - 20 pages) describing original and unpublished work and extended abstracts (5 - 8 pages) of preliminary original work or extended abstracts of already published work (needs to be highlighted along with the title), from either the field of logic or the field of formal argumentation. Additional support material may be included in an appendix, which may be considered or ignored by the program committee. Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX, using the Springer LNCS style: ftp://ftp.springernature.com/cs-proceeding/llncs/llncs2e.zip Submissions not complying with these guidelines will be desk rejected. Papers in PDF format should be submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=clar2021 Each submitted paper will be carefully peer-reviewed by a panel of PC members based on originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of exposition and relevance for the conference. For each accepted paper, at least one author is expected to register and present the paper at the conference.
Important Dates -------------------- Submission: 30 June 2021 Notification: 1 August 2021 Camera-Ready: 15 August 2021 Conference: 20-22 October 2021
PC Chairs -------------------- Pietro Baroni, University of Brescia Christoph Benzmüller, Freie Universität Berlin Yì N. Wáng, Sun Yat-sen University