The third「論数哲」"Ron-Suu-Tetsu" (PhilLogMath) workshop
We will hold the 3rd 「論数哲」(PhilLogMath) workshop. Our aim is to provide opportunities of detailed discussions among philosophers, logicians, mathematicians and linguists.
We focus on theoretical and computational linguistics this time. Everyone is welcome.
Date : May 17 (Thu) Place: Seiryo Kaikan (Nagata-cho, Tokyo)
Speaker: *Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University) and Hiroko Ozaki (Ochanomizu University), *Chung-chieh Shan (Cornell Unversity/ Tsukuba University)
Two afternoon slots consists of 60 minutes talk and 30 minutes discussion basically. Author meets Critics meeting is in Japanese, and two afternoon talks are in English.
The details will be updated at our website url:
Workshop organizer (please replace [at] to @): * Yuko Murakami * Shunsuke Yatabe ( shunsuke.yatabe[at] ) * Takuro Onishi ( takuro.onishi[at] )