来年東京で行われる国際会議TQC2012の案内 について,依頼投稿をさせていただきます. なお,重複してお受け取りの節はご容赦ください.
大阪府立大学理学系研究科 西村治道 http://www.mi.s.osakafu-u.ac.jp/~hnishimura/
来年の5月17日から19日に東京大学の小柴ホールにて TQC2012(The 7th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography)を開催することになりました。 First call for paperの案内ができましたので、お送りいたします。
TQCは、量子計算、量子通信、量子暗号などの量子情報の理論的研究に関する主要 な国際会議の一つです。2006年に第1回が開催されて以来、毎年開催されてお ります。2008年に日本で開催されて以来、カナダ、英国、スペインで開催され ており、来年は久しぶりに日本に戻ってきます。コンピュータ科学、情報理論、 物理などの様々な分野の研究者が参加し、多角的な観点から総合的な議論を 行なうことによって、量子情報科学技術におけるイノベーションを目指すことを 目的としています。
NTT 河野泰人 東京大学 村尾美緒
------------------------------ Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming event "The 7th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2012)". The workshop will be held May 17-19, 2012, at University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Please see the information attached below.
Sincerely Yours,
The Organizing Committee of TQC 2012 Yasuhito Kawano (NTT, Japan) Mio Murao (University of Tokyo, Japan)
======================================================================= PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT
The 7th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography ---- TQC 2012 ----
Koshiba Hall, University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
May 17-19, 2012
http://www.eve.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tqc2012/ =======================================================================
General Information:
Quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography are important subfields of quantum information processing, an interdisciplinary field of information science and quantum mechanics. The TQC conference series focuses on theoretical aspects of these subfields. The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers so that they can interact with each other and share problems and recent discoveries. It will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and a poster session.
As has happened for previous TQCs, a post-conference proceedings volume will be published, to which selected speakers will be invited to contribute their presentations. We expect this will again be in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.
------------------- Scope:
The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to:
* quantum algorithms * models of quantum computation * quantum complexity theory * simulation of quantum systems * quantum cryptography * quantum communication * quantum estimation and measurement * quantum noise * quantum coding theory * fault-tolerant quantum computing * entanglement theory
-------------------- Invited Speakers:
Antonio Acin (ICFO-Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain) Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia, Latvia) Ferdinando Brandao (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) Masahito Hayashi (Tohoku University, Japan) John Watrous (University of Waterloo, Canada) Michael Wolf (Technical University Munich, Germany)
-------------------- Program Committee (to be added):
Patrick Hayden (McGill University, Canada) Susana Huelga (University of Ulm, Germany) Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, Japan, Chair) Masato Koashi (University of Tokyo, Japan) Barbara Kraus (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Francois Le Gall (University of Tokyo, Japan) Serge Masser (ULB, Belgium) Kae Nemoto (NII, Japan) Harumichi Nishimura (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan) Robert Raussendorf (University of British Columbia, Canada) Renato Renner (ETH, Switzerland) Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Canada) Mario Szegedy (Rutgers University, USA) Yasuhiro Takahashi (NTT, Japan) Andreas Winter (University of Bristol, UK and National University of Singapore, Singapore) Ronald de Wolf (CWI, The Netherlands) Shengyu Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
-------------------- Organizing Committee : Yasuhito Kawano (NTT, Japan) Mio Murao (University of Tokyo, Japan)
-------------------- Important dates: Submission deadline: 21st January (23:59 JST) 2012 Notification: Early March 2012 Conference: 17th-19th May 2012
------------------- For updated information, please visit the conference website http://www.eve.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tqc2012/