BLAST 2011
June 1-5, 2011 Lawrence, Kansas
BLAST (Boolean algebras, Lattices, Algebraic logic, Set theory, and Topology; quantum logic and point-free topology have been added to the mix) is a series of annual conferences. The first three BLAST conferences were at the University of Denver, New Mexico State University, and the University of Colorado in Boulder. Go to the BLAST 2011 website for complete details.
Invited Talks
* Themba Dube (University of South Africa) * Todd Eisworth (Ohio University) * Christian Herrmann (Technische Universitat Darmstadt) * Albin Jones (National Security Agency) * Milos Kurilic (University of Novi Sad) * Keye Martin (Naval Research Laboratory) * Jorge Martinez (University of Florida) * Paul Szeptycki (York University)
* Magdalena Grzech (Cracow University of Technology) * Pieter Hofstra (University of Ottawa) * Marion Scheepers (Boise State University) * Stevo Todorcevic (University of Toronto)
A limited amount of financial support is available for graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s. To apply for support, send an email of request to the conference organizers.
The conference organizers can be contacted at
A printable version of this flyer is available for download here: