Masaki Waga (和賀 正樹)
I am an assistant professor at
- Computer Software Gruop,
- Course of Communications and Computer Engineering,
- Graduate School of Informatics,
- Kyoto University.
Research Interests
- Lightweight verification of black-box systems including cyber-physical systems and machine learning-based systems
- In particular, monitoring of real-time systems with timed automata
- Some related problems, e.g., falsification, runtime enforcement, and specification learning
Publications and Theses
[Publication list in PDF]
- Certifying Lyapunov Stability of Black-Box Nonlinear Systems via Counterexample Guided Synthesis. To appear in Proc. HSCC 2025, ACM.
- A Soft and Fast Pattern Matcher for Billion-Scale Corpus Searches. To appear in Proc. ICLR 2025.
- Hyper parametric timed CTL.TCAD,
vol. 43,
issue 11,
This paper was accepted at EMSOFT 2024.
[ieee | extended version at arXiv] - Oblivious Monitoring for Discrete-Time STL via Fully Homomorphic Encryption.
Proc. RV 2024,
LNCS 15191,
pp. 59-69,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Temporal Logic Formalisation of ISO 34502 Critical Scenarios: Modular Construction with the RSS Safety Distance
Proc. SAC 2024,
pp. 186-195,
[ACM | extended version at arXiv] - Learning nonlinear hybrid automata from input--output time-series data.
Proc. ATVA 2023,
LNCS 14215,
pp. 33-52,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Probabilistic Black-Box Checking via Active MDP Learning.TECS,
vol. 22,
issue 5s,
This paper was accepted at EMSOFT 2023.
[ACM | extended version at arXiv] - Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style Characterization.
Proc. CAV 2023,
LNCS 13964,
pp. 3-26,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Parametric Timed Pattern Matching.TOSEM,
vol. 32,
issue 1,
This paper is an extension of [AHW18] and [WA19] in the proceedings of ICECCS 2018 and NFM 2019, respectively.
[ACM] - Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems.TCPS,
vol. 6,
issue 4,
This paper is an extension of the article with the same title published in the proceedings of ICCPS 2021.
[ACM] - BOREx: Bayesian-Optimization-Based Refinement of Saliency Map for Image- and Video-Classification Models.
Proc. ACCV 2022,
LNCS 13847,
pp. 274-290,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Dynamic Shielding for Reinforcement Learning in Black-Box Environments.
Proc. ATVA 2022,
LNCS 13505,
pp. 25-41,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] [artifact] - Oblivious Online Monitoring for Safety LTL Specification via Fully Homomorphic Encryption.
Proc. CAV 2022,
LNCS 13371,
pp. 447-468,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Exemplifying parametric timed specifications over signals with bounded behavior.
Proc. NFM 2022,
LNCS 13260,
pp. 470-488,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Hybrid System Falsification for Multiple-Constraint Parameter Synthesis: a Gas Turbine Case Study.
Proc. FM 2021,
LNCS 13047,
pp. 313-329,
[Springer] - Efficient Black-Box Checking via Model Checking with Strengthened Specifications.
Proc. RV 2021,
LNCS 12974,
pp. 100-120,
[Springer | extended version at arXiv] - Constrained Optimization for Falsification and Conjunctive Synthesis.
Proc. ADHS 2021,
pp. 217-222,
[Elsevier | extended version at arXiv] - Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems.
Proc. ICCPS 2021,
pp. 21-32,
[ACM | extended version at arXiv] [artifact] - Empowering Runtime Verification with Polyhedra.Ph.D. Thesis,
School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI),
[SOKENDAI] - Genetic algorithm for the weight maximization problem on weighted automata.
Proc. GECCO 2020,
pp. 699-707,
[ACM | extended version at arXiv] - Falsification of cyber-physical systems with robustness-guided black-box checking.
Proc. HSCC 2020,
pp. 11:1-11:13,
[ACM | extended version at arXiv] - Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks via Regression on State Spaces.
Proc. AAAI 2020,
vol. 34,
No. 04,
pp. 5306-5314,
AAAI Press.
[AAAI | extended version at arXiv] - Online Quantitative Timed Pattern Matching with Semiring-Valued Weighted Automata.
Proc. FORMATS 2019,
LNCS 11750,
pp. 3-22,
[lncs | extended version at arXiv] - Symbolic Monitoring Against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data.
Proc. CAV 2019,
LNCS 11561,
pp. 520-539,
[lncs | extended version at arXiv] [artifact] - Online Parametric Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Skipping.
Proc. NFM 2019,
LNCS 11460,
pp. 371-389,
[lncs | extended version at arXiv] - Offline Timed Pattern Matching under Uncertainty.
Proc. ICECCS 2018,
pp. 10-20,
[ieee | author version at arXiv] - Moore-Machine Filtering for Timed and Untimed Pattern Matching.TCAD,
vol. 37,
issue 11,
This paper was accepted at EMSOFT 2018.
[ieee | extended version at arXiv] - MONAA: A Tool for Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Acceleration.
Proc. MT@CPSWeek 2018,
pp. 14-15,
[ieee | extended version at arXiv] - Techniques for Efficient Timed Pattern Matching.Master Thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, 2018.
- Efficient Online Timed Pattern Matching by Automata-Based Skipping.
Proc. FORMATS 2017,
LNCS 10419,
pp. 224-243,
[lncs | extended version at arXiv] - A Boyer-Moore Type Algorithm for Timed Pattern Matching.
Proc. FORMATS 2016,
LNCS 9884,
pp. 121-139,
[lncs | extended version at arXiv] - Timed Pattern Matching with Automata.Bachelor Thesis, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 2016.
- FalCAuN — A tool for FALsification of Cyber-physical systems via AUtomata learNing
- SyMon — A tool for SYmbolic MONitoring
- ParamMONAA — A Tool for Parametric Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Acceleration
- filt - An experimental implementation of Moore machine filter for timed and untimed pattern matching
- MONAA — A Tool for Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Acceleration
Selected Talks
- Oblivious Monitoring for Discrete-Time STL via Fully Homomorphic EncryptionRV 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye, 15th October 2024. [slide]
- Hyper parametric timed CTLEMSOFT 2024, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2nd October 2024. [slide | poster]
- Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style CharacterizationFORMATS 2023, Antwerp, Belgium, 21st September 2023. [slide]
- Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style CharacterizationCAV 2023, Paris, France, 22nd July 2023.
- Dynamic Shielding for Reinforcement Learning in Black-Box EnvironmentsATVA 2022, Online, 26th October 2022. [slide | video]
- Parametric Timed Pattern Matching. Invited talk at SES 2022, Tokyo, 6 September 2022. [slide (in Japanese)]
- Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems.ICCPS 2021, Online, 20th May 2021. [slide | video]
- Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems.MT-CPS 2021, Online, 18th May 2021. [slide]
- Online Quantitative Timed Pattern Matching with Semiring-Valued Weighted Automata Invited talk at YR-OWLS, Online, 12th May 2021. [slide | video]
- Symbolic Monitoring against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data Invited talk at JSSST 2020, Online, 10th September 2020. [video (in Japanese)]
- Falsification of cyber-physical systems with robustness-guided black-box checkingHSCC 2020, Online, April 2020. [slide | video]
- Symbolic Monitoring Against Specifications Parametric in Time and DataMT-CPS 2020, Online, April 2020. [slide | video]
- オートマトンによる柔軟で高速な実行時監視とログ抽出ERATO MMSD 自動車産業応用セミナーシリーズ 第二回, online, 17th March 2020.
- Online Quantitative Timed Pattern Matching with Semiring-Valued Weighted AutomataFORMATS 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27th August 2019. [slide]
- Symbolic Monitoring against Specifications Parametric in Time and DataCAV 2019, New York City, USA, 16th July 2019. [slide]
- Online Parametric Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based SkippingNFM 2019, Houston, USA, 7th May 2019. [slide]
- Online Parametric Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based SkippingMT-CPS 2019, Montreal, Canada, 15th April 2019. [slide]
- Moore-Machine Filtering for Timed and Untimed Pattern MatchingPPL 2019, 花巻, Japan, 8th March 2019.
- Moore-Machine Filtering for Timed and Untimed Pattern MatchingEMSOFT 2018, Turin, Italy, 2nd October 2018. [slide]
- MONAA — A Tool for Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based AccelerationMT-CPS 2018, Porto, Portugal, 10th April 2018. [slide]
- A Boyer-Moore Type Algorithm for Timed Pattern MatchingFORMATS 2016, Quebec, Canada, August 2016. [slide]
Selected Poster Presentations
- FalCAuN − CPS Testing with Automata Learning
RV 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye, 16 October 2024. [poster] - Symbolic Monitoring against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data
WINTER FESTA Episode 5, Tokyo, Japan, 26 December 2019. [poster] - 物理情報システムのモニタリング --「安全、危険」から「どれくらい安全か」へ--
NII Open House 2019, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May -- 1 June 2019. [poster] (Japanese) - 時間パターンマッチングによる CPS のモニタリング
ERATO MMSD Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 21 May 2019. [poster] (Japanese) - Real-Time Monitoring Enhanced by Automata-based Skipping
NII Open House 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 22--23 June 2018. [poster]
- RV 2024 Best Poster and Tool Showcase Award, 21st International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2024), October 16, 2024.
- YANS 2024 demonstration award (jointly with Hiroyuki Deguchi, Go Kamoda, Yusuke Matsushita, Kai Keida, and Sho Yokoi), YANS (Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies), September 6, 2024.
- YANS 2024 Recuruit Co., Ltd. award (jointly with Hiroyuki Deguchi, Go Kamoda, Yusuke Matsushita, Kai Keida, and Sho Yokoi), YANS (Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies), September 6, 2024.
- CSS2021/PWS outstanding paper award (jointly with Ryotaro Banno, Kotaro Matsuoka, Naoki Matsumoto, Song Bian, and Kohei Suenaga), CSEC: Computer Security Group, October 28, 2021.
- Dean award, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), September 28, 2020.
- Best student award, National Institute of Informatics, September 26, 2019.
- Oded Maler award for the best paper, FORMATS 2019, August, 2019.
- Best paper award (jointly with Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo), ICECCS 2018, December, 2018.
Professional Services
- Program committee member: RV 2025. HSCC 2025. SPIN 2025. RV 2024. RV 2023. FORMATS 2023 (also chair of special track on "monitoring of cyber-physical systems"). HSCC 2023. RV 2022. AAAI 2021. FORMATS 2020. HSCC Poster/Demo 2021. HSCC Poster/Demo 2020.
- Artifact evaluation committee member: ATVA 2024. CAV 2022. CAV 2021.
- Track Chair (FORMATS) of QEST+FORMATS 2024.
- Local Organization Chair of ATVA 2024.
Teaching Experiences
- Computer Science Laboratory and Exercise 2 (Hardware) (計算機科学実験及演習2 (ハードウェア)), 2023/10--, Kyoto University
- Elementary Course of Experimental Physics (物理学実験), 2022/10--2023/3, Kyoto University
- System Verification (システム検証論) (jointly with Kohei Suenaga and Atsushi Igarashi), 2021/10--, Kyoto University
- Computer Science Laboratory and Exercise 3 (Software) (計算機科学実験及演習3 (ソフトウェア)) (jointly with Kohei Suenaga), 2021/4--, Kyoto University
- Computer Science Laboratory and Exercise 2 (Hardware) (計算機科学実験及演習2 (ハードウェア)), 2020/10--2022/3, Kyoto University
- Teaching assistant for Formal Language Theory (形式言語理論), 2016/10--2017/3, The University of Tokyo
- Teaching assistant for Applied Logic (応用論理), 2016/4--2016/9, The University of Tokyo
- PRESTO, Grant Number: JPMJPR22CA, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 2022/10-2026/03.
- Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scienticts, Grant Number: 22K17873, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2022/04-2025/03.
- ACT-X, Grant Number: JPMJAX200U, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 2020/11-2023/03.
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Grant Number: 18J22498, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2018/04-2021/03.
- Travel Grant, REFEC: Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu.
- Press release: "ISO 34502の自動運転車危険シナリオを数学的に定式化" (in Japanese)
- An article at CNRS web page on our ICECCS 2018 paper (in French)
- Office
- Dept. of Communications and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
- E-mail address
- mwaga [at] fos.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp