「証明、計算、哲学」International Workshop "Proofs, Computation and
11月28-29日Nov28-29th慶応大三田Campus Mita,Keio Univ (Mita Campus)
(Apologies for multiple copies due to cross posting)
計算機科学について、次のよ うな 国際ワークショップの開催を予定しています。
会議のupdated informationに ついてはつぎのURLをご覧ください。
到着したAbstractsも ここに貼っていきます。
(この国際ワークショップとは別に、Girard教 授による連続講義が開催されて
****国際ワークショップ情報International Workshop Information*****
Date: November 28th(Sat)-29th(Sun), 2015
日時: 2015年11月28日(土)-29日(日)
Place: Conference Hall, 3F of North Building, Mita campus of Keio University
場所: 慶應大学三田キャンパス 北 館3階会議場
Campus Maphttp://www.keio.ac.jp/en/maps/mita.html
Building #1 on this map. / 1番 の建物です。
みしか書いていない場合があ りま すので、ご注意ください。
One can access to the North Building through any gates on Saturday 28^th
, but
We strongly recommend to use the MAIN GATE on SUNDAY because other gates
Often close on Sundays.
List of the invited speakers:
1・Jean-Yves Girard, (Mathematics Institute of Marseille, Univ
Special Lectures (上記連続講義とは独立なself-containedな証明論レク
チャーです。Transcendental syntaxを 別な観点から、より技術的に導入なさい
ます。 )
2. Philip Scott (Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa)
"AF Inverse Monoids and the Coordinatization of MV-algebras"
3. Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Faculte de philosophie, Universite Jean Moulin
- Lyon 3)
"Logic and Naturalness : from Gentzen to Girard"
4. Paolo Pistone (Philosophy, IMM, Univ Marseille/CNRS)
"Proofs, programs and the library of Babel"
5. V. Michele Abrusci (Philosophy, Univ Rome 3)
“Philosophical aspects of proof-nets”
6. Masahiro Hamano "Geometry of Interaction for MALL via Hughes-van
Glabbeek Proof-Nets"
7Kazushige Terui (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto
8. Takeshi Tsukada (Graduate School of Information Science and
Technology, University of Tokyo) "A bifibrational account of LC"
9. Naohiko Hoshino (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto
"Geometry of Interaction and coherence spaces"
Tentative PROGRAM (see the Workshop webpage for updated information)
November 28^th (Saturday)
9:30- registration
9:50-10:00 Introductory Remark, Mitsuhiro Okada
10:00-11:20 Jean-Yves Girard Special lecture, Some technical aspects of
transcendental syntax I (tentative) (Univ Lyon 3 and ENS-Paris)
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 Michele Abrusci (Univ Rome 3),” Philosophical aspects of
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Univ Marseille), "Logic and
Naturalness : from Gentzen to Girard"
15:00-15:10 Break
15:10-15:50 Takeshi Tsukada (Univ Tokyo) , "A bifibrational account of LC"
15:50-16:50 Paolo Pistone (Univ Marseille/CNRS)
"Proofs, programs and the library of Babel"
16:50-17:40 Discussion with the speakers of the first day ( coordinator:
M. Okada)
November 29^th (Sunday)
10:00-11:20 Jean-Yves Girard Special Lecture , Some technical aspects of
transcendental syntax II (tentative)
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:10 Naohiko Hoshino (RIMS, Univ Kyoto) "Geometry of Interaction
and coherence spaces"
12:10-12:30 Discussion
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Phil Scott (Univ Ottawa) "AF Inverse Monoids and the
Coordinatization of MV-algebras"
15:00-15:40 Masahiro Hamano, "Geometry of Interaction for MALL via
Hughes-van Glabbeek Proof-Nets"
15:40-16:00 Break
16:00-16:40 Kazushige Terui (RIMS, Univ Kyoto) TBA
16:40-17:30 Discussion with the speakers of the second day (coordinator:
Local organizing committee:
Mitsuhiro Okada, Keio University(Chair)
Yutaro Sugimoto, Keio University
Yuta Takahashi, Keio University
主催: Mita Logic Seminar 事 務局(科学研究費 新学術領域 「予測と行動判
共催: 慶應義塾大学 論理と感性のグローバル研 究センター
Mita Logic Seminar 事 務局
Kobe Colloquium on Logic, Statistics and Informatics
Date: 2015/11/19 (Thu) 1.30pm - 5.00pm
Place: Room 421
Speaker: Matthias Schirn (Munich)
Time: 1.30pm - 3.00pm
Title: Second-ordert abstraction before and after Russell's paradox
In this talk, I analyze several aspects of Frege’s paradigms of second-order abstraction:
Axiom V and Hume’s Principle. The issues dealt with include self-evidence and epistemic
(non-)triviality with particular emphasis on Axiom V, Frege’s attitude towards Axiom V
before and after Russell’s discovery of the contradiction, as well as the possible role and
the status of Hume’s Principle in the face of Russell’s paradox. In the central part,
I pursue a threefold aim: (a) to shed new light on the connection between Frege’s way of
introducing the primitive function-names of his logical system and the requisite
self-evidence of his axioms in whose expression such a function-name occurs;
(b) to analyze the semantic nature of the formal linguistic expression of Axiom V, and
(c) to examine the conflict between the requirements of self-evidence and real epistemic
value or genuine knowledge arising inevitably and invariably from Fregean abstraction
principles, if they are singled out as axioms of a theory T. If time allows, I conclude by making
some critical remarks on Frege’s reactions to Russell’s paradox in the period 1902-1906.
Time: 3:30pm - 5.00pm
Title: Truth and judgement
What the German logician and philosopher Gottlob Frege has bequeathed to us regarding
the concept of truth is not a homogeneous, coherent and systematically worked out conception.
It is rather an agglomeration of remarks, scattered throughout several of his writings,
on the nature of judgement and assertion, the conception of the two truth-values the True
and the False as the references of assertoric sentences (as objects), the relation of a
(true) thought to the True, the role and the purportedly unique sense of the word “true”
and its alleged redundancy on the level of both sense and assertion, the characterization of
logic as the science of the most general laws of truth, the “truth-conditional“ approach
concerning the semantics of his formal language — to mention some issues, but not all.
The core of my lecture will be a critical examination of what Frege says in some key
passages about truth, the True and “is true”. Where it seems useful and enlightening,
aspects of the current discussion of the concept of truth (for example, the role of this
concept in minimalism about truth) will be taken into account. I shall argue (a) that Frege’s
reflections on the relation of a (true) thought to the True are incoherent; (b) that he fails
to offer a convincing argument for rejecting the view according to which a sentence of
the form “The thought that p is true” expresses the subsumtion of a thought (qua object)
under the concept is true; (c) that Frege seems to overlook the fact that in such a
sentence, even if it is interpreted as expressing a subsumtion of this kind, we still have
the relation of sense to reference, of a thought to a truth- value; (d) that he falls short
of providing a cogent argument for the purported synonymy of “p” and “The thought that
p is true” and thus for the alleged redundancy of “is true” on the semantic level; (e) that,
contrary to what he says, he has to concede that the word “true” makes an essential
contribution to the thought expressed by “The thought that p is true”; (f) that there are
indispensable uses of the truth-predicate anyway, not only in sentences such as
„Everything Peter says is true“ but also, for example, in informal “metalogical” discourse;
(g) that, contrary to what Frege appears to claim, he is committed to acknowledging
that true is a property (of true thoughts); (h) that it remains unclear what truth qua that
which is acknowledged (not predicated) in a judgement is supposed to be if it is neither
the True nor the concept is true.
連絡先:菊池誠 mkikuchi(a)kobe-u.ac.jp
International Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCL)
ISSN - 2180-1266
Computational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field dealing with the
statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a
computational perspective. Today, computational language acquisition stands
as one of the most fundamental, beguiling, and surprisingly open questions
for computer science.
International Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCL) is a peer review
open access bi-monthly journal providing a scientific forum where computer
scientists, experts in artificial intelligence, mathematicians, logicians,
cognitive scientists, cognitive psychologists, psycholinguists,
anthropologists and neuroscientists can present research and experimental
studies. The journal publishes papers that describe state-of-the-art
techniques, scientific research studies and results in computational
linguistics in general but computational models, corpus linguistics,
computational theories, information retrieval and extraction, linguistics
modeling techniques, linguistics theories, machine translation, natural
language processing, quantitative linguistics, speech analysis and speech
recognition in particular.
IJCL invite linguistic specialists, researchers and scientists from
different domains to share their understanding and contributions towards
linguistics that set scientific objectives and demonstrate the operation of
new methods in the field of computational linguistics.
Dr. Michal Ptaszynski - Hokkai-Gakuen University (Japan)
Dr. Pascaline Merten - HEB-ISTI (Belgium)
Dr. Pawel Dybala - Otaru University of Commerce (Japan)
Dr. John Hanhong LI - (China)
Dr. Stephen Doherty - Dublin City University (Ireland)
Comparative Surveys that Critique Previously Repor
Computational Linguistics
Computational Models
Computational Theories
Corpus Linguistics
Formal Linguistics-Theoretic and Grammar Induction
Information Retrieval and Extraction
Language Generation
Language Learning
Linguistics Modeling Techniques
Linguistics Theories
Machine Translation
Models of Language Change and its Effect on Lingui
Models that Address the Acquisition of Word-order
Models that Combine Linguistics Parsing
Models that Employ Statistical/probabilistic Gramm
Models that Employ Techniques from machine learnin
Natural Language Processing
Quantitative Linguistics
Speech Analysis/Synthesis
Speech Recognition/Understanding
Spoken Dialog Systems
Web Information Extraction/Mining
Paper Submission - November 30, 2015
Author Notification - December 31, 2015
Issue Publication - January 2016
In order to submit the paper, you need to register as author and then submit
the paper through Author Dashboard. It is also important to ensure that the
manuscript must be formatted as per IJCL Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
For further information, please refer to the following information.
IJCL Website - http://www.cscjournals.org/journals/IJCL/description.php
Submission Guidelines -
Register as Author - http://www.cscjournals.org/login.php
CSC-OpenAccess Library - http://www.cscjournals.org/library/oa-library.php
Please do not hesitate to contact us at cscpress(a)cscjournals.org if you
require more information prior to submission. Our team is committed to
provide quick response and support from submission to final publication.
Editorial Board Members
International Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCL)
Thank you,
J. Stewart
Computer Science Journals (CSC Journals)
B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: 00603 6204 5627
Fax: 00603 6204 5628
Url: http://www.cscjournals.org
慶應義塾大学文学部哲学専攻 岡田光弘
Jean-Yves GIRARD open lectures (Nov. 10^th , 17^th , 24^th, ) (三田ロ
***Apologies for multiple copies due to cross-posting***
慶應義塾大学に滞在されているジャンイヴ ジラール教授に、インフォーマルな
連続講義をお願いしていますの で、ご案内させていただきます。
Transcendental Syntaxをテーマとした連続講義です。(同 一タイトルの近刊書
籍の中核的部分を解説していただきます。) Proof-Normalization, 線 形論
理、Proofnests, Geometry of Interaction、ludicsなどのこれまでのご研究を
基にした, 証明論、証明論の哲学についての彼の新しい研究パラダイムをご紹
In this series of lectures Prof. Jean-Yves Girard is giving his new
research paradigm“Transcendental Syntax”, which is based on his past
researches (such as proof normalization, linear logic, proofnets,
geometry of interaction, Ludics and others) No particular background
knowledge is required except for elementary proof theoretic ideas..
講師 Jean-Yves Girard (Mathematics Institute, Univ de Marseille/CNRS,
現 在慶應義塾大学にDistinguished Guest Professor (Global)と して滞在中)
Ist lecture 11 月10日18:00-19:30(Nov,10^th 18:00-19:30)
2^nd lecture 11 月17日18:00-19:30(Nov,17th 18:00-19:30)
3^rd Lecture 11 月24日18:00-19:30(Nov,24th 18:00-19:30)
会 場 慶 應義塾大学三田キャンパス大学院棟1階313号
Graduate School Building the ground floor, room 313.
学についての国際ワークショップ を予定しております。詳細が決まりましたら
JR-田町駅、地下鉄三田駅、地下鉄 赤羽橋駅から徒歩約7分
7 minutes along distance from JR-Tamachi, Subway-Mita, Subway-Akabanebashi
See campus-map below/
大学院棟は8番の建物です。Graduate School Building is #8 on this map.
慶應義塾大学文学部哲学専攻 岡田光弘研究室 三田ロジックセミナー講演会事 務局
以下のように,来週月曜日,Radboud大学のBart Jacobsさんをお招きして講演をしていただきます。
-- 片岡 俊基 (Toshiki Kataoka, http://www-mmm.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~tos/)
Mon 2 Nov 2015, 16:30–18:00
Room 214, School of Science Bldg. No. 7 (理学部7号館214)
Access: http://www-mmm.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access.html
Bart Jacobs (Radboud U.),
Introduction to Effectus Theory
Effectus theory provides a novel categorical approach to models of
probabilistic and quantum computation and logic. The talk will
introduce the main aspects and examples of effectuses.