台湾 National Chung Cheng University のRen-June Wangさんの講演会のお知らせです。
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学系
e-mail: v-sano(a)jaist.ac.jp
* JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
Date: Thursday, 7th July 2016, 15:30-17:00
Place: JAIST, IS school collaboration room 7, 5F
(Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/top/access/index.html)
Speaker: Ren-June Wang (Department of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng
Title: Logical Omniscience and Deductive Rationality
Abstract: Epistemic logic as an important tool for reasoning about an
intellectual agent’s epistemic states has long suffered from the
so-called logical omniscience problem since the beginning of its
introduction. The problem indicates an idealized assumption on the
part of the agent presented by a formalism of such kind. Although
alternative epistemic formalisms have been proposed for dealing with
the problem, there is no sight of that the problem is settled. Thus in
this talk I will try my hand firstly to give an analysis of the
problem, hopefully to pin down the source of the problem, and
accordingly provide an advice as to what is the right direction of
solving the problem. At the end of the talk I will suggest that what
we need is not a formalism with a machinery that can limit what is
known by the agent, but one with more powerful expressivity such that
the resource that an agent will consume in the course of his/her
reasoning, such as the temporal duration, can be explicitly stated.
Katsuhiko Sano
School of Information Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
IS building No.1 7F, 1-1 Asahidai,
Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan
[Apologies for multiple copies]
Conference: June 26 -- 30, 2017 (Prague)
School: June 20 -- 24, 2017 (Olomouc)
http://www.cs.cas.cz/tacl2017 <http://www.cs.cas.cz/tacl2017>
The Eighth International Conference on Topology, Algebra
and Categories in Logic
organized by
Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
The Third Summer School
organized by
Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc
Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active
branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer
science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools
and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal
algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory.
The programme of the conference TACL 2017 will focus on three
interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical
study of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical,
and topological methods. This is the eighth conference in the
series Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly
TANCL). Earlier instalments of this conference have been organized
in Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), Oxford (2007), Amsterdam
(2009), Marseille (2011), Nashville (2013) and Ischia (2015).
Starting from 2013, the conference is preceded by a summer school.
Featured topics
Contributed talks can be on with any topic involving the use of
algebraic, categorical or topological methods in either logic or
computer science. This includes, but is not limited to, the
following areas:
* Algebraic structures in CS
* Algebraic logic
* Coalgebra
* Categorical methods in logic
* Domain theory
* Lattice theory
* Lattices with operators
* Many-valued and fuzzy logics
* Modal logics
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered topological spaces
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Pointfree topology
* Proofs and Types
* Residuated structures
* Semantics
* Stone-type dualities
* Substructural logics
* Topological semantics of modal logic
The conference will be held at the campus of the Faculty of Arts,
Charles University in Prague.
The school will be held at the campus of the Faculty of Science,
Palacký University Olomouc.
(The two cities are two hours train trip apart.)
Important dates
June 20 - June 24, 2017: School (Olomouc)
June 26 - June 30, 2017: Conference (Prague)
Programme Committee Chairs
John Harding, New Mexico State University
Rosalie Iemhoff, Utrecht University
Steering Committee
Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University
Mai Gehrke, University of Paris Diderot
Rob Goldblatt, Victoria University, Wellington
Ramón Jansana, University of Barcelona
Achim Jung, University of Birmingham
Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam
Michael Zakharyaschev, University of London
Organizing Committees
Marta Bílková (chair), Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Petr Cintula (chair), Institute of Computer Science, CAS
Zuzana Haniková
Rostislav Horčík
Tomáš Lávička
Ondrej Majer
Tommaso Moraschini
Carles Noguera
Adam Přenosil
Igor Sedlár
Amanda Vidal Wandelmer
Radomír Halaš (chair), Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc
Martin Broušek
Jan Kuhr
More Information
TACL 2017 web site: http://www.cs.cas.cz/tacl2017 <http://www.cs.cas.cz/tacl2017>
Conference email: tacl2017(a)cs.cas.cz <mailto:tacl2017@cs.cas.cz>
School email: school2017(a)upol.cz <mailto:school2017@upol.cz>
ジェノヴァ大学のEugenio Moggi先生の特別集中講演のお知らせです。
石原 哉
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学系
e-mail: ishihara(a)jaist.ac.jp
* JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
* This series of lectures is held as a part of JSPS Core-to-Core Program,
A. Advanced Research Networks, and EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions IRSES
project CORCON.
(http://www.jaist.ac.jp/logic/ja/core2core, https://corcon.net/)
Dates: Tuesday 2 August, 2016, 13:30-15:10
Thursday 4 August, 2016, 13:30-15:10
Friday 5 August, 2016, 10:50-12:30
Place: JAIST, Collaboration room 7 (I-56)
(Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/location/access.html)
Speaker: Eugenio Moggi (University of Genova)
*Tuesday 2 August, 2016, 13:30-15:10*
LECTURE 1: Categories of Classes for Collection Types
ABSTRACT. Collection types have been proposed by Buneman and others (in
the '90) as a way to
capture database query languages in a typed setting. In 1998 Manes
introduced the notion of collection
monad on the category S of sets as a suitable semantics for collection
types. The canonical example of
collection monad is the finite powerset monad Pf.
In order to account for the algorithmic aspects of database languages,
the category S is unsuitable, and
should be replaced with other categories, whose arrows are maps
computable by "low complexity"
algorithms. We propose "realizability for DSL" (Domain Specific
Languages), where the starting point
is a monoid C of endomaps on a set D, instead of a combinatory algebra
on D, as a way to get such
categories by constructions like the category A[C] of "assemblies".
To get Pf in a systematic way we borrow ideas from AST (Algebraic Set
Theory, started by Joyal and
Moerdijk in the '90), where they fix a notion of "small" map in a
category of "classes", and read "small"
as "finite".
*Thursday 4 August, 2016, 13:30-15:10*
LECTURE 2: Hybrid System Trajectories as Partial Continuous Maps
ABSTRACT. Hybrid systems (HS) are dynamic systems that exhibit both
continuous and discrete
dynamic behavior: they can flow (according to a differential equation)
and jump (according to a
transition relation). HS can be used for modeling rigid body dynamics
with impacts, and more
generally Cyber-Physical Systems.
HS can exhibit Zeno behaviors, that arise naturally in rigid body
dynamics with impacts, but are absent
from purely discrete or purely continuous systems. Dealing properly with
these behaviors is a
prerequisite to give sound definitions of concepts such as reachability.
We propose the use of partial continuous maps (PCM) as trajectories that
describe how a HS evolves
over time. PCMs enable a notion of trajectory that can go beyond Zeno
*Friday 5 August, 2016, 10:50-12:30*
LECTURE 3: Models, Over-approximations and Robustness
ABSTRACT. Hybrid systems, and related formalisms, have been successfully
used to model Cyber-
Physical Systems. The usual definition of "reachability", in terms of
the reflexive and transitive closure
of a transition relation, is unsound for Zeno systems. We propose "safe
reachability", which gives an
over-approximation of the set of states that are "reachable in finite
time" from a set of initial states.
Moreover, mathematical models are always a simplification of the system
they are meant to describe,
and one must be aware of this mismatch, when using these models for
system analyses.
In safety analysis it is acceptable to use over-approximations of the
system behavior, indeed they are
the bread and butter of counterexample guided abstraction refinement
We propose a notion of safe (time-bounded) reachability, which is also
robust wrt arbitrary small overapproximations,
and argue that it is particularly appropriate for safety analysis.
来年1月に POPL 併設で開催される PEPM 2017 の CFP をお送りいたします。
* Abstract submission: Tue, 13 Sep, 2016
* Paper submission: Fri, 16 Sep, 2016
* Author notification: Mon, 24 Oct, 2016
* Camera ready: Mon, 28 Nov, 2016
Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM 2017)
Paris, France, January 16th – 17th, 2017
PEPM 2017 in Paris, co-located with POPL 2017. The PEPM
Symposium/Workshop series aims at bringing together researchers
and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation,
partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on
techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and
manipulation of programs.
PEPM 2017 will be based on a broad interpretation of
semantics-based program manipulation, reflecting the expanded
scope of PEPM in recent years beyond the traditionally covered
areas of partial evaluation and specialization. Specifically,
PEPM 2017 will include practical applications of program
transformations such as refactoring tools, and practical
implementation techniques such as rule-based transformation
systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM covers manipulation and
transformations of program and system representations such as
structural and semantic models that occur in the context of
model-driven development. In order to maintain the dynamic and
interactive nature of PEPM and to encourage participation by
practitioners, we also solicit submissions of short papers,
including tool demonstrations, and of posters.
Topics of interest for PEPM 2017 include, but are not limited to:
* Program and model manipulation techniques such as: supercompilation,
partial evaluation, fusion, on-the-fly program adaptation, active
libraries, program inversion, slicing, symbolic execution,
refactoring, decompilation, and obfuscation.
* Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
manipulation such as: abstract interpretation, termination checking,
binding-time analysis, constraint solving, type systems, automated
testing and test case generation.
* Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
metaprogramming, generative programming, embedded domain-specific
languages, program synthesis by sketching and inductive programming,
staged computation, and model-driven program generation and
* Application of the above techniques including case studies of
program manipulation in real-world (industrial, open-source)
projects and software development processes, descriptions of robust
tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications,
benchmarking. Examples of application domains include legacy program
understanding and transformation, DSL implementations, visual
languages and end-user programming, scientific computing, middleware
frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based
applications, embedded and resource-limited computation, and
This list of categories is not exhaustive, and we encourage
submissions describing applications of semantics-based program
manipulation techniques in new domains. If you have a question as
to whether a potential submission is within the scope of the
workshop, please contact the programme chairs.
Three kinds of submissions will be accepted: Regular Research Papers,
Short Papers and Posters.
* Regular Research Papers should describe new results, and will be
judged on originality, correctness, significance and
clarity. Regular research papers must not exceed 12 pages in ACM
Proceedings style (including appendix).
* Short Papers may include tool demonstrations and presentations of
exciting if not fully polished research, and of interesting
academic, industrial and open-source applications that are new or
unfamiliar. Short papers must not exceed 6 pages in ACM Proceedings
style (including appendix).
* Posters should describe work relevant to the PEPM community, and
must not exceed 2 pages in ACM Proceedings style. We invite poster
submissions that present early work not yet ready for submission to
a conference or journal, identify new research problems, showcase
tools and technologies developed by the author(s), or describe
student research projects.
At least one author of each accepted contribution must attend the
workshop and present the work. In the case of tool demonstration
papers, a live demonstration of the described tool is
expected. Suggested topics, evaluation criteria, and writing
guidelines for both research tool demonstration papers will be
made available on the PEPM 2017 web site.
Student participants with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN
PAC grant to help cover travel expenses and other support. PAC
also offers other support, such as for child-care expenses during
the meeting or for travel costs for companions of SIGPLAN members
with physical disabilities, as well as for travel from locations
outside of North America and Europe. For details on the PAC
programme, see its web page.
All accepted papers, short papers and posters included, will
appear in formal proceedings published by ACM Press. Accepted
papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of
selected papers from PEPM 2016 and PEPM 2017 will also be invited
to expand their papers for publication in a special issue of the
journal Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (COMLAN,
PEPM 2017 continues the tradition of a Best Paper award. The
winner will be announced at the workshop.
Abstract submission: Tue, 13 Sep, 2016
Paper submission: Fri, 16 Sep, 2016
Author notification: Mon, 24 Oct, 2016
Camera ready: Mon, 28 Nov, 2016
to be announced
Jeremy Yallop (University of Cambridge)
Ulrik Pagh Schultz (Unversity of Southern Denmark)
to be announced
9月にオーストリアで開催されます「合流性に関するワークショップ IWC 2016」の
- 開催日が 9月8日〜9日 に決定致しました。
- 招待講演者は Florent Jacquemard 氏 (INRIA) と Paul-Andre Mellies 氏です。
廣川 (JAIST)
Second Call for Papers
IWC 2016
5th International Workshop on Confluence
Sep 8-9, 2016, Obergurgl, Austria,
Part of Computational Logic in the Alps CLA 2016
Confluence provides a general notion of determinism and is widely
viewed as one of the central properties of rewriting. Confluence
relates to many topics of rewriting (completion, modularity,
termination, commutation, etc.) and had been investigated in many
formalisms of rewriting such as first-order rewriting, lambda-calculi,
higher-order rewriting, constrained rewriting, conditional rewriting,
etc. Recently there is a renewed interest in confluence research,
resulting in new techniques, tool support, certification as well as
new applications. The International Workshop on Confluence (IWC) aims
at promoting further research in confluence and related properties.
IWC 2016 is part of the Computational Logic in the Alpsevent to be
held in Obergurgl, Austria, during the week Sep 4-10, 2016.
Previous editions of the workshop were held in Nagoya (2012),
Eindhoven (2013), Vienna (2014), and Berlin (2015). During the
workshop, the 5th Confluence Competition (CoCo 2016) takes place.
* submission June 22, 2016
* notification July 12, 2016
* final version Aug 03, 2016
* workshop Sep 4-10, 2016
Specific topics of interest include:
* confluence and related properties (unique normal forms, commutation,
ground confluence)
* completion
* critical pair criteria
* decidability issues
* complexity issues
* system descriptions
* certification
* applications of confluence
* Florent Jacquemard (INRIA)
* Paul-Andre Mellies (CNRS & Paris Diderot University)
* Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA)
* Bertram Felgenhauer (University of Innsbruck)
* Yves Guiraud (INRIA & Paris Diderot University)
* Nao Hirokawa (JAIST)
* Koji Nakazawa (Nagoya)
* Ashish Tiwari (Menlo Park)
We solicit short papers or extended abstracts of at most five pages.
There will be no formal reviewing. In particular, we welcome short
versions of recently published articles and papers submitted
elsewhere. The program committee checks relevance and may provide
additional feedback. The accepted papers will be made available
electronically before the workshop.
The page limit for papers is 5 pages in EasyChair style. Short papers
or extended abstracts must be submitted electronically through the
EasyChair system at:
オークランド大学のBakhadyr Khoussainov先生の講演のお知らせです。
石原 哉
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学系
e-mail: ishihara(a)jaist.ac.jp
* JAIST Logic Seminar Series *
Date: Monday 20 June, 2016, 15:20-17:00
Place:JAIST, Collaboration room 7 (I-56)
(Access: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/english/location/access.html)
Speaker: Bakhadyr Khoussainov (University of Auckland)
Title: Computably Enumerable Structures: Domain dependency
Computably enumerable structures arise naturally in algebra
and computer science. In algebra examples include finitely
presented universal algebras such as finitely presented groups.
In computer science, these are abstract data types
defined by equational or quasi-equational specifications.
The domains of these algebraic structures are quotient sets
of the form $\omega/E$, where $\omega$ is the set of
natural numbers and $E$ is a computably enumerable (c.e.)
equivalence relations. We consider c.e. structures whose
domains are of the form $\omega/E$ and study various properties
of these structures and their dependence on the domain $\omega/E$
日時: 6月14日 13:00-15:00
場所: 東京大学理学部7号館102教室
Tue 14 June 2016, 13:00–15:00
Room 102, School of Science Bldg. No. 7
Tetsuya Sato <http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~satoutet/> (RIMS, Kyoto
University), 差分プライバシーの圏論的特徴づけと、その検証
差分プライバシー[Dwork, ICALP
Bartheによる Approximate Relational Hoare Logic (apRHL) [Barthe et al., POPL
本講演で紹介する Continuous apRHL
MFPS 2016] 可能であれば、これからの発展などについてもお話ししたい。
Dept. of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
Akazaki Takumi
mail :<ultraredrays(a)gmail.com>
mobile : <090-5379-4901>
来週の *火曜日*、6月7日11:00から、
オークランド大学のBakhadyr Khoussainov先生に
Time: 11:00-12:00, 7 Jun, 2016
Place: Rm 478, Research Building 2, Main Campus, Kyoto University
京都大学 本部構内 総合研究2号館 4階478号室
http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/yoshida/main.html (Building 34)
http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm (34番の建物)
Speaker: Bakhadyr Khoussainov (University of Auckland)
Title: Open questions in the theory of automatic structures.
In this talk, we introduce the notion of automatic structure
(defined by the speaker and Nerode). Informally, these are
infinite algebraic structures (such as graphs, trees, groups,
linear orders) that can be presented by automata. We present
many examples, several basic results, formulate and discuss
some open questions in the area.