> 9月にオーストリアで開催される「合流性に関するワークショップ IWC 2016」の
> 論文募集をご案内致します。今回は TRS Meeting, WST, LC&A との合同開催と
> なっております。関連する話題をお持ちの方は、ぜひ投稿をご検討下さい。
> 廣川 (JAIST)
WST というワークショップの Call for Papers をお送りします。
WST の方は、termination / normalization に関するワークショップです。
これらのワークショップは、Innsbruck大学の Aart Middeldorp さんらが全体
Computational Logic in the Alps (CLA2016)
亀山幸義 (筑波大学)
WST 2016 - 1st Call for Papers
15th International Workshop on Termination
September 5-7, 2016, Obergurgl, Austria
The Workshop on Termination (WST) traditionally brings together, in an
informal setting, researchers interested in all aspects of termination,
whether this interest be practical or theoretical, primary or derived. The
workshop also provides a ground for cross-fertilization of ideas from term
rewriting and from the different programming language communities. The
friendly atmosphere enables fruitful exchanges leading to joint research
and subsequent publications.
The event is held as part of CLA 2016
* submission June 22, 2016
* notification July 12, 2016
* final version August 3, 2016
* workshop September 5-7, 2016
TOPICS: The 15th International Workshop on Termination welcomes
contributions on all aspects of termination and termination analysis.
Contributions from the imperative, constraint, functional, and logic
programming communities, and papers investigating applications of
complexity or termination (for example in program transformation or
theorem proving) are particularly welcome.
Topics of interest include all aspects of termination. This includes
(but is not limited to):
* certification of termination and complexity proofs
* challenging termination problems
* comparison and classification of termination methods
* complexity analysis in any domain
* implementation of termination and complexity methods
* implicit computational complexity
* infinitary normalization
* non-termination analysis and loop detection
* normalization in lambda calculi
* operational termination of conditional rewrite systems
* ordinal notation and subrecursive hierarchies
* SAT, SMT, and constraint solving for (non-)termination analysis
* scalability and modularity of termination methods
* termination analysis in any domain
* well-founded relations and well-quasi-orders
COMPETITION: There will be a live complexity and termination competition
during the workshop, including time to present both the results and the
tools of the participants. More details will be provided in a dedicated
announcement on the competition.
* Ugo Dal Lago Bologna University
* J旦rg Endrullis VU University Amsterdam
* Yukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba
* Salvador Lucas Universidad Polit辿cnica de Valencia
* Aart Middeldorp University of Innsbruck, co-chair
* Andrey Rybalchenko Microsoft Research
* Thomas Str旦der RWTH Aachen
* Ren辿 Thiemann University of Innsbruck, co-chair
* Andreas Weiermann Ghent University
* Rainer H辰hnle TU Darmstadt
SUBMISSION: Submissions are short papers/extended abstract which should
not exceed 5 pages. There will be no formal reviewing. In particular, we
welcome short versions of recently published articles and papers submitted
elsewhere. The program committee checks relevance and provides additional
feedback for each submission. The accepted papers will be made available
electronically before the workshop.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission page:
Final versions should be created using LaTeX and the LIPIcs style file
> 転送されたメッセージ:
> ==================================================
> 5th International Workshop on
> Engineering Safety and Security Systems
> November 7th or 8th, 2015, Limassol, Cyprus
> Co-located with FM 2016 in Limassol, Cyprus, November 7-11, 2016
> More information:
> http://pat.scse.ntu.edu.sg/esss16/index.html
> ===================================================
> Important dates
> -----------------
> * August 12th, 2016: Submission deadline
> * September 23rd, 2016: Notification of acceptance/rejection
> * November 7th or 8th, 2016: Workshop date
> Introduction of the Workshop
> -----------------
> The International Workshop on Engineering Safety and Security Systems
> (ESSS) aims at contributing to the challenge of constructing reliable
> and secure systems. The workshop covers areas such as formal
> specification, (extended) type checking, model checking, program
> analysis/transformation, model-based testing and model-driven software
> construction. The workshop will bring together researchers and
> industry R&D expertise together to exchange their knowledge, discuss
> their research findings, and explore potential collaborations.
> Theme of the Workshop
> -----------------
> The main theme of the workshop is methods and techniques for
> constructing large reliable and secure systems. The goal of the
> workshop is to establish a platform for the exchange of ideas,
> discussion, cross-fertilization, inspiration, co-operation, and
> dissemination. The topics of the workshop include, but are not
> limited to:
> -- methods, techniques and tools for system safety and security
> -- methods, techniques and tools for analysis, certification, and
> debugging of complex safety and security systems
> -- model-based and verification-based testing
> -- emerging application domains such as cloud computing and
> cyber-physical systems
> -- case studies and experience reports on the use of formal methods
> for analyzing safety and security systems
> Submissions guidelines
> -----------------
> Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Submissions
> should be in made via the Easychair site:
> https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esss2016.
> We invite two types of submissions:
> --Regular papers (up to 15 pages) describing original and unpublished
> work within the scope of the workshop.
> --Short papers (up to 6 pages) describing work in progress or less
> mature results.
> Case studies and tool papers are welcome as well. All submissions must
> be prepared in LATEX using the EPTCS macro package.
> The final versions of accepted regular and short papers will be
> published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
> Computer Science (EPTCS). Furthermore, authors of a selection of the
> accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their
> articles to a special issue of a high-quality journal, after the
> workshop. Publication of accepted articles requires the commitment of
> one of the authors to register for the workshop and present the paper.
> Workshop chairs
> -----------------
> Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
> Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
> Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
> Program committee
> -----------------
> Etienne Andre, Universite Paris 13, France
> Guandong Bai, National University of Singapore, Singapore
> Weiqiang Kong, Dalian University of Technology, China
> Keqin Li, Huawei European Research Center, Germany
> Wojciech Mostowski, Halmstad University, Sweden
> Volker Stolz, University of Oslo, Norway
> Cong Tian, Xidian University, China
> Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology
> Yoriyuki Yamagata, AIST, Japan
> Tian Zhang, Nanjing University, China
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 主任研究員
6月にポルトガル・ポルトで行われます FSCD の参加者募集の案内をお送り
廣川 (JAIST)
1st International Conference on
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction
FSCD 2016
22-26 June 2016
Porto, Portugal
http://fscd2016.dcc.fc.up.pt/ <http://fscd2016.dcc.fc.up.pt/>
"It is our thesis that formal elegance is
a prerequisite to efficient implementation."
-- Gérard Huet
FSCD is a new conference covering all aspects of formal structures for
computation and deduction from theoretical foundations to applications.
Building on two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications)
and TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core
topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics, proof
theory and new emerging models of computation such as quantum computing
and homotopy type theory.
Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University, USA)
Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Gérard Huet (INRIA Paris Center, France)
Tobias Nipkow (Technical University Munich, Germany)
- 6th Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation (CL&C)
- Concurrent, Resourceful and Effectful COmputation, by Geometry of Interaction: Project Meeting (CRECOGI)
- 2nd Workshop on Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications (HDRA)
- 8th Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting (HOR)
- IFIP Working Group on Term Rewriting (IFIP-WG 1.6)
- 2nd Workshop on Homototy Theory/Univalent Foundations (HOTT/UF)
- 8th Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS)
- 4th Workshop on Linearity (LINEARITY)
- 18th Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP)
- 11th Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications (LSFA)
- 30th Workshop on Unification (UNIF)
- 3rd Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformation and Evaluation (WPTE)
- 12th Workshop on Automated Specification of Web Systems (WWV)
* Dmitriy Traytel. Formal Languages, Formally and Coinductively
* Olivier Laurent. Focusing in Orthologic
* Stefan Kahrs and Connor Smith. Non-omega-overlapping TRSs are UN
* Tomer Libal and Dale Miller. Functions-as-constructors Higher-order Unification
* Franziska Rapp and Aart Middeldorp. Automating the First-Order Theory of Rewriting for Left-Linear Right-Ground TRSs
* Martin Avanzini and Georg Moser. Complexity of Term Graph Rewriting
* Ofer Arieli and Arnon Avron. Minimal Paradefinite Logics for Reasoning with Incompleteness and Inconsistency
* Thorsten Altenkirch and Ambrus Kaposi. Normalisation by Evaluation for Dependent Types
* Ryota Akiyoshi and Kazushige Terui. Strong normalization for the parameter-free polymorphic lambda calculus based on the Omega-rule
* Takahito Aoto and Yoshihito Toyama. Ground Confluence Prover based on Rewriting Induction
* Thierry Coquand and Bassel Mannaa. The Independence of Markov’s Principle in Type Theory
* Andrej Dudenhefner, Jakob Rehof and Moritz Martens. The Intersection Type Unification Problem
* Cynthia Kop and Jakob Grue Simonsen. Complexity Hierarchies and Higher-Order Cons-Free Rewriting
* Marcin Benke, Aleksy Schubert and Daria Walukiewicz-Chrząszcz. Synthesis of Functional Programs with Help of First-order Intuitionistic Logic
* Kaustuv Chaudhuri, Sonia Marin and Lutz Strassburger. Modular Focused Proof Systems for Intuitionistic Modal Logics
* Andrés Aristizábal, Dariusz Biernacki, Sergueï Lenglet and Piotr Polesiuk. Environmental bisimulations for delimited-control operators with dynamic prompt generation
* Flavien Breuvart, Giulio Manzonetto, Andrew Polonsky and Domenico Ruoppolo. New Results on Morris's Observational Theory: the benefits of separating the inseparable
* Fer-Jan de Vries. On Undefined and Meaningless in Lambda Definability
* Stéphane Gimenez and David Obwaller. Interaction Automata and the ia2d Interpreter
* Giulio Guerrieri, Luc Pellissier and Lorenzo Tortora De Falco. Computing connected proof(-structure)s from their Taylor expansion
* Vincent van Oostrom and Yoshihito Toyama. Normalisation by Random Descent
* Naoki Nishida, Adrian Palacios and German Vidal. Reversible Term Rewriting
* Amin Timany and Bart Jacobs. Category Theory in Coq 8.5
* Philippe Malbos and Samuel Mimram. Homological Computations for Term Rewriting Systems
* Jon Hael Brenas, Rachid Echahed and Martin Strecker. Proving Correctness of Graph Rewriting Systems using C2PDL
* Christian Sternagel and Thomas Sternagel. Certifying Confluence of Almost Orthogonal CTRSs via Exact Tree Automata Completion
* Valentin Blot. Classical extraction in continuation models
* James Laird. Weighted Relational Models for Mobile Names
* Krzysztof Bar, Aleks Kissinger and Jamie Vicary. Globular: a proof assistant for higher rewriting
* Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho, Mauricio Ayala-Rincon and Maribel Fernandez. Nominal Narrowing
* Makoto Hamana. Strongly Normalising Cyclic Data Computation by Iteration Categories of Second-Order Algebraic Theory
* Ryuta Arisaka. Structural Interactions and Absorption of Structural Rules in BI Sequent Calculus
The registration page and the hotel reservation page are already open.
The early registration deadline is May 15 (local time).
For more details please visit our conference webpage:
http://fscd2016.dcc.fc.up.pt/registration/ <http://fscd2016.dcc.fc.up.pt/registration/>
The conference will be held at the Department of Computer Science,
from the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto.
The beautiful city of Porto is the second largest city in Portugal, dating
back to the IV century, and classified as world heritage patrimony by UNESCO.
The city gives its name to the worldwide renowned Port Wine.
Delia Kesner (Univ. Paris-Diderot)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)
Andreas Abel (Gothenburg Univ.)
Zena Ariola (Univ. Oregon)
Patrick Baillot (CNRS & ENS Lyon)
Andrej Bauer (Univ. Ljubljana)
Eduardo Bonelli (Univ. Quilmes)
Patricia Bouyer (ENS Cachan)
Ugo Dal Lago (Univ. Bologna)
Nachum Dershowitz (Univ. Tel Aviv)
Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini (Univ. Torino)
Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS)
Santiago Figueira (Univ. Buenos Aires)
Marcelo Fiore (Univ. Cambridge)
Juergen Giesl (Univ. Aachen)
Nao Hirokawa (JAIST)
Martin Hofmann (LMU Munchen)
Delia Kesner (Univ. Paris-Diderot)
Naoki Kobayashi (Univ. Tokyo)
Dan Licata (Wesleyan Univ.)
Chris Lynch (Clarkson Univ.)
Narciso Marti-Oliet (Univ. Complutense)
Aart Middeldorp (Univ. Innsbruck)
Dale Miller (INRIA Saclay)
Cesar Munoz (NASA)
Vivek Nigam (Univ. Paraiba)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill Univ.)
Jakob Rehof (Univ. Dortmund)
Xavier Rival (ENS Paris)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie Univ.)
Paula Severi (Univ. Leicester)
Jakob Grue Simonsen (Univ. Copenhagen)
Matthieu Sozeau (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Sophie Tison (Univ. Lille)
Femke van Raamsdonk (VU Univ. Amsterdam)
Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College)
Sandra Alves (University of Porto)
Sabine Broda (University of Porto)
CONTACT: fscd2016(a)dcc.fc.up.pt <mailto:fscd2016@dcc.fc.up.pt>
Looking forward to seeing you in Porto!
9月にオーストリアで開催される「合流性に関するワークショップ IWC 2016」の
論文募集をご案内致します。今回は TRS Meeting, WST, LC&A との合同開催と
廣川 (JAIST)
Call for Papers
IWC 2016
5th International Workshop on Confluence
Sep 8-9, 2016, Obergurgl, Austria,
Part of Computational Logic in the Alps, CLA 2016
Confluence provides a general notion of determinism and is widely viewed
as one of the central properties of rewriting. Confluence relates to many
topics of rewriting (completion, modularity, termination, commutation, etc.)
and had been investigated in many formalisms of rewriting such as
first-order rewriting, lambda-calculi, higher-order rewriting, constrained
rewriting, conditional rewriting, etc. Recently there is a renewed interest
in confluence research, resulting in new techniques, tool support,
certification as well as new applications. The International Workshop on
Confluence (IWC) aims at promoting further research in confluence and
related properties. IWC 2016 is part of the Computational Logic in the Alps
event to be held in Obergurgl, Austria, during the week Sep 4-10, 2016.
Previous editions of the workshop were held in Nagoya (2012), Eindhoven
(2013), Vienna (2014), and Berlin (2015).
During the workshop, the 5th Confluence Competition (CoCo 2016) takes place.
* submission June 22, 2016
* notification July 12, 2016
* final version Aug 03, 2016
* workshop Sep 8-9, 2016
Specific topics of interest include:
* confluence and related properties (unique normal forms, commutation,
ground confluence)
* completion
* critical pair criteria
* decidability issues
* complexity issues
* system descriptions
* certification
* applications of confluence
* Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA)
* Bertram Felgenhauer (University of Innsbruck)
* Yves Guiraud (University of Paris 7)
* Nao Hirokawa (JAIST)
* Koji Nakazawa (Nagoya)
* Ashish Tiwari (Menlo Park)
We solicit short papers or extended abstracts of at most five pages.
There will be no formal reviewing. In particular, we welcome short
versions of recently published articles and papers submitted elsewhere.
The program committee checks relevance and may provide additional
feedback. The accepted papers will be made available electronically
before the workshop.
The page limit for papers is 5 pages in EasyChair style. Short
papers or extended abstracts must be submitted electronically
through the EasyChair system at:
(sorry for multiple copies)
Short presentations submission deadline: 20 May 2016
Short presentations acceptance notification: 3 June 2016
http://phil.elte.hu/aiml2016/ <http://phil.elte.hu/aiml2016/>
Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting
the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The
initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based
on the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained
at http://www.aiml.net <http://www.aiml.net/>. AiML-2016 is the 11th conference in the series.
We invite submission on all aspects of modal logic, including:
- history of modal logic
- philosophy of modal logic
- applications of modal logic
- computational aspects of modal logic (complexity and decidability of
modal and temporal logics, modal and temporal logic programming,
model checking, model generation, theorem proving for modal logics)
- theoretical aspects of modal logic (algebraic/categorical perspectives
on modal logic, coalgebraic modal logic, completeness and canonicity,
correspondence and duality theory, many-dimensional modal logics,
modal fixed point logics, model theory of modal logic, proof theory
of modal logic)
- specific instances and variations of modal logic (description logics,
modal logics over non-boolean bases, dynamic logics and other process
logics, epistemic and deontic logics, modal logics for agent-based
systems, modal logic and game theory, modal logic and grammar
formalisms, provability and interpretability logics, spatial and
temporal logics, hybrid logic, intuitionistic logic, substructural
logics, computationally light fragments of all such logics)
Papers on related subjects will also be considered.
There will be two types of submissions to AiML-2016:
(1) Full papers for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the
(2) Short presentations intended for presentation at the conference
but not for the published proceedings.
Both types of papers should be submitted electronically using the
EasyChair submission page at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aiml16 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aiml16>
At least one author of each accepted paper or short presentation must
register for and attend the conference.
These should be at most 5 pages. They may describe preliminary
results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing.
The accepted submissions will be made available at the conference, and the
authors will have the opportunity to give short presentations
(of up to 15 minutes) on them.
Sonja Smets (ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Yde Venema (ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University)
Tamas Bitai (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Reka Markovich (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Andras Mate (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Péter Mekis (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Attila Molnar (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Gergely Szekely (Alfred Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Natasha Alechina (University of Nottingham)
Carlos Areces (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Philippe Balbiani (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Alexandru Baltag (FNWI ILLC)
Lev Beklemishev (Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow)
Thomas Bolander (Technical University of Denmark)
Torben Brauner (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Serenella Cerrito (Laboratoire IBISC, Evry France)
Stéphane Demri (LSV, CNRS, ENS Cachan)
Valeria de Paiva (Nuance, USA)
David Fernandez-Duque (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)
Melvin Fitting (Lehman College, CUNY, USA)
David Gabelaia (The Free University of Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University)
Rajeev Gore (The Australian National University)
Andreas Herzig (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University)
Agi Kurucz (King's College London)
Roman Kuznets (TU Wien)
Martin Lange (University of Kassel, Germany)
Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen)
Andras Mate (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Angelo Montanari (University of Udine)
Larry Moss (Indiana University, USA)
Sara Negri (University of Helsinki)
Sergei Odintsov (Novosibirsk State University)
Hiroakira Ono (Japan Advanced Insitute of Science and Technology)
Mark Reynolds (The University of Western Australia)
Ilya Shapirovsky (Institute for the Information Transmission Problems)
Renate Schmidt (University of Manchester)
Valentin Shehtman (Institute for the Information Transmission Problems)
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (Universitat Koblenz-Landau)
Thomas Studer (Universität Bern)
Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen, NL)
Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum)
Michael Zakharyaschev (Birkbeck College London, UK)
Lev Beklemishev (Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow)
Stephane Demri (LSV, CNRS, ENS Cachan)
Full papers acceptance notification: 18 May 2016
Short presentations submission deadline: 20 May 2016
Short presentations acceptance notification: 3 June 2016
Final version of full papers and short presentations due: 12 June 2016
Conference: 30 August -- 2 September 2016
FURTHER INFORMATION. Please see http://phil.elte.hu/aiml2016/?page=call_for_papers <http://phil.elte.hu/aiml2016/?page=call_for_papers>
ENQUIRIES. E-mail enquiries should be directed to the PC co-chairs,
sent to aiml16(a)easychair.org <mailto:aiml16@easychair.org>
日時: 5月10日(火) 13:00-15:00
場所: 東京大学理学部7号館214教室
Tue 10 May 2016, 13:00–15:00
Room 214, School of Science Bldg. No. 7
Kenta Cho
of Comp. & Info. Sci., Radboud University), Von Neumann algebras from a
logical / categorical perspective
Many researches at the Nijmegen group involve von Neumann algebras,
which are now important not only in quantum physics but also in the
context of quantum computation and information. I plan to talk about:
1) basics of von Neumann algebras and quantum theory; 2) von Neumann
algebras in effectus theory (a categorical approach to quantum
computation and logic); 3) von Neumann algebras as a (categorical,
denotational) model of the quantum lambda calculus.
Dept. of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
Akazaki Takumi
mail :<ultraredrays(a)gmail.com>
mobile : <090-5379-4901>
今年9月に開催される「第45回 TRS Meeting」参加者募集をご案内致します。
廣川 直 (JAIST)
4th Austria-Japan Summer Workshop on Term Rewriting
45th TRS Meeting
AJSW is an informal workshop for researchers in Austria and Japan and
aims to facilitate and share new developments and ideas in term
rewriting. Not only presentations about published results but also
work-in-progress talks are welcome.
The event is held as part of CLA 2016
and synonymous with the 45th TRS Meeting.
The Term Rewriting Meeting (TRS Meeting) is a biannual informal
workshop that aims at promoting the research on rewriting and related
areas. Participants are expected to give a talk of approximately 15 to
60 minutes in English on their research activities. The subject of the
talk is not required to be one's original result; for example,
explaining an interesting paper is perfectly acceptable. (For
information on TRS meetings in general, see:
Date: September 7 (Wed) -- 9 (Fr), 2013
Venue: Obergurgl University Center
Gaisbergweg 5, 6456 Obergurgl, Austria
September 7 (Wed)
CLA excursion
September 8 (Thu)
first day of workshop
September 9 (Fri)
second day of workshop
Preliminary Registration
Please indicate whether you would like to join by sending the
registration form below to Christian Sternagel
(christian.sternagel(a)uibk.ac.at) as soon as possible. This is just
in order to get a rough estimate of the number of participants.
The official registration and arrangements for accommodation will
be handled through the main CLA 2016 event.
Registration Form of the 45th TRS Meeting
number of accompanying persons:
attendance: CLA / AJSW + excursion / AJSW only
* number of accompanying persons: in case you want to bring family and/or
significant others (which is encouraged), please indicate the number of
additional persons here
* CLA: full week, arrival on September 4 (Sun) and departure on
September 10 (Sat); this is the preferred option
* AJSW + excursion: arrival on September 6 (Tue) and departure on
September 10 (Sat)
* AJSW only: arrival on September 7 (Wed) and departure on
September 10 (Sat)