Call for Papers
International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
ISSN - 1985-2312
International Journal of Engineering (IJE) is devoted in assimilating
publications that document development and research results within the broad
spectrum of subfields in the engineering sciences. The journal is publishing
scientific research relating to various disciplines of the engineering field
from theoretical, practical and analytical research to physical implications
and theoretical or quantitative discussion intended for both academic and
industrial progress. IJE is a peer review open access journal and aims to
provide scientific knowledge to its readers in the field of aerospace
engineering, biomedical engineering, civil & structural engineering,
electrical engineering, electronic engineering, fluid engineering,
mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering etc.
IJE intended audience is comprised of scientists, researchers,
mathematicians, practicing engineers, among others working in Engineering
and welcomes them to publish their research in their particular disciplines.
Besides targeting different research communities, IJE mainly focuses on
engineers and researchers relevant to aerospace, agriculture, manufacturing,
mechanics, mining and nuclear by publishing relevant research articles that
will help them to learn from real time experiences, logics and conclusions
drawn by other researchers and industrial experts.
Professor Ernest Baafi - University of Wollongong (Australia)
Dr. Tarek M. Sobh - University of Bridgeport (United States of America)
Assistant Professor Aleksandar Vujovic - Univeristy of Montenegro
Dr. Jelena Jovanovic - University of Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro)
Dr. Xuefei Guan - Siemens Corporate Research (United States of America)
Dr. Cheng-Xian (Charlie) Lin - Florida International University (United
States of America)
Associate Professor Fichera Sergio - University of Catania (Italy)
Professor Jing Zhang - University of Alaska Fairbanks (United States of
Dr. Tao Chen - Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Dr. Oscar Hui - University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Associate Professor Aidy Ali - Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia)
Dr. Alireza Bahadori - Curtin University (Australia)
Dr. Wanquan Liu - Curtin University (Australia)
Dr. Xing-Gang Yan - University of Kent (United Kingdom)
Dr. Reza Shadnam - KPMG (Canada)
Associate Professor Miladin Stefanovic - University of Kragujevac (Serbia
and Montenegro)
Associate Professor Hong-Hu Zhu - Nanjing University (China)
Professor Dr Mazlina Esa - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia)
Associate Professor Mohd Amri Lajis - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Associate Professor Khalifa Saif Al-Jabri - Sultan Qaboos University (Oman)
Professor Tarek Abdel-Salam - East Carolina University (United States of
Dr. Mohamed Rahayem - Örebro University (Sweden)
Professor Zdravko Krivokapic - University of Montenegro (Serbia and
Dr. Rosli - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Malaysia)
Professor Qingling Zhang - Northeastern University (China)
Dr. Guoxiang Liu - University of North Dakota (United States of America)
Dr. Nam Nguyen Dang - PetroVietnam University (Vietnam)
Professor Dr.-Eng. Shehata E. Abdel Raheem - Assiut University -
Egypt/Taibah University - KSA (Saudi Arabia)
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil & Structural Engineering
Computer Engineering
Control Systems Engineering
Education Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Science
Environmental Engineering
Fluid Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials & Technology Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mineral & Mining Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Optical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Robotics & Automation Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016
Notification : May 31, 2016
Issue Publication: : June2016
In order to submit the paper, you need to register as author and then submit
the paper through Author Dashboard. It is also important to ensure that the
manuscript must be formatted as per IJE Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
For further information, please refer to the following information.
IJE Website -
Submission Guidelines -
Register as Author -
CSC-OpenAccess Library -
Call for EDITORS
International Journal of Engineering (IJE) seeks applications from
enthusiastic researchers and scholars who can oversee and maintain the
editorial direction of the journal to ensure a steady flow of engaging and
thought-provoking original research publications.
IJE is a peer-reviewed International journal dedicated to publishing an open
access original research, reports, and reviews. For future improvement and
development, IJE particularly seeks editors who can continue the enduring
and ongoing editorial successes to next level and introduce the journal
profile to different libraries and research centers around the globe. IJE
welcome applications from editors with strong academic background and
Internationally recognized reputation. Applicants with significant
publishing or reviewing experience will be preferred. To qualify for the
post of editorial board member (EBM), Associate Editor-in-Chief (AEiC) or
Editor-in-Chief (EiC) applicants must have PhD degree having wide experience
in academic/Industry/ research and international conferences.
For more information on editorial role & responsibilities, benefits &
privileges and application criteria to apply for editorial collaborations
with IJE-CSC Journals, please refer to the following URLs.
Editors Guidelines -
Call For Editors -
Please do not hesitate to contact us at cscpress(a) if you
require more information prior to submission. Our team is committed to
provide quick response and support from submission to final publication.
Editorial Board Members
International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
Thank you,
J. Stewart
Computer Science Journals (CSC Journals)
B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: 00603 6204 5627
Fax: 00603 6204 5628
-- 片岡 俊基 (Toshiki Kataoka,
Wed 30 Mar 2016, 16:30–18:00
Room 236, Chemistry Building East (“Kagaku-Higashikan”). Next to our
building (School of Science Bldg. No. 7)
1. Topological Theory of Distributed Computing
2. A Topological Characterization of Wait-Free Solvability in the
Infinite Arrival Model
We extend the topological theory of distributed computing for systems
with a fixed set
of n processes to that for systems with infinitely many processes. We
a necessary and sufficient condition for the finitely-valued colorless
tasks to be
wait-free solvable in such distributed systems. A finitely-valued
colorless task is a task
that assumes a finite set of possible input/output values, and
specifies input/output
relation without referring to process IDs. Our characterization only
resorts to finite
combinatorial structures, called finite simplicial complexes as the
topological device.
By restricting our attention to finitely-valued colorless tasks, we
can represent possible
protocol states that are innocent of process IDs by a finite simplicial complex,
even if the number of participating processes is infinite.
Prof. Dieter Spreen at NII Logic Seminar
Date: March 22, 2016, 14:00--16:00
Place: National Institute of Informatics, Room 1901 (19th floor)
場所: 国立情報学研究所 19階 1901室
(半蔵門線,都営地下鉄三田線・新宿線 神保町駅または東西線 竹橋駅より徒歩5分)
Speaker: Prof. Dieter Spreen (Siegen University)
Ttile: Information Frames
In 1982, Dana Scott introduced information systems as a logic-based
approach to domain theory. Here, a domain is a bound-complete
algebraic complete partial order with least element. An information
system consists of a set of tokens to be thought of as atomic
statements about a computational process, a consistency predicate
telling us which finite sets of such statements contain consistent
information, and an entailment relation saying what atomic statements
are entailed by which consistent sets of these. Theories of such a
logic, also called states, i.e. finitely consistent and
entailment-closed sets of atomic statements, form a bounded-complete
algebraic complete partial order with respect to set inclusion, and,
conversely, every such domain can be obtained in this way, up to
isomorphism. This gives Scott's idea that domain elements represent
information about stages of a computation a precise mathematical
The role of bounded completeness becomes also clear in this context:
States represent consistent information. So, any finite collection of
substates must contain consistent infor- mation as well, and this fact
is witnessed by any of its upper bounds.
Whereas in Scott's approach the consistency witnesses are hidden, in
this paper we present an approach that makes them explicit. This
allows to consider the more general situation in which there is no
longer a uniform global consistency predicate. Instead there a is
consistency predicate for each atomic statement telling us which
finite sets of atomic statements express information that is
consistent with the given statement. As it turns out the theories, or
states, of such a more general information system form an L-domain,
and, up to isomorphism, each L-domain can be obtained in this way.
Since every token in the just delineated kind of information system
has its own consistency predicate, we can also think of each such
system as a family of logics, or a Kripke frame.
龍田 真 (国立情報学研究所)
e-mail: tatsuta(a)
国際会議Computability and Complexity in Analysisの御案内です。
First Call for Papers
Thirteenth International Conference on
Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2016)
June 15-17, 2016, Faro, Portugal
Submission deadline: March 14, 2016
Scientific Programme Committee
* Matthew de Brecht (Osaka, Japan)
* Fernando Ferreira (Lisbon, Portugal)
* Sicun Gao (Cambridge, USA)
* Mathieu Hoyrup (Nancy, France)
* Akitoshi Kawamura, chair (Tokyo, Japan)
* Bob Lubarsky (Boca Raton, USA)
* Elvira Mayordomo (Zaragoza, Spain)
* Robert Rettinger (Dortmund, Germany)
* Ning Zhong (Cincinnati, USA)
Organising Committee
* Daniel Graça, chair (Faro, Portugal)
* Rui Marreiros (Faro, Portugal)
* Computable analysis
* Complexity on real numbers
* Constructive analysis
* Domain theory and analysis
* Theory of representations
* Computable numbers, subsets and functions
* Randomness and computable measure theory
* Models of computability on real numbers
* Realizability theory and analysis
* Reverse analysis
* Real number algorithms
* Implementation of exact real number arithmetic
Authors are invited to submit 1-2 pages abstracts in PDF format,
including references via the following web page:
If full versions of papers are already available as technical report
or arXiv version, then corresponding links should be added to the
reference list. Final versions of abstracts might be distributed to
participants in hardcopy and/or in electronic form.
* Submission deadline: March 14, 2016
* Notification of authors: April 16, 2016
* Final version: April 30, 2016
Conference Web Page
産総研の北村です。自動検証技術に関する国際会議 ATVA'16 (10月に
=== Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA) 2016 ===
--- Springer LNCS proceedings ---
--- Special issue in "Formal Methods in System Design" (Springer) ---
The purpose of ATVA is to promote research on theoretical and practical
aspects of automated analysis, verification and synthesis by providing a
forum for interaction between the regional and the international research
communities and industry in the field. The previous events were held
in Taiwan - 2003-5, Beijing - 2006, Tokyo - 2007, Seoul - 2008, Macao -
2009, Singapore - 2010, Taiwan - 2011, Thiruvananthapuram - 2012, Hanoi -
2013, Sydney - 2014, and Shanghai - 2015.
ATVA 2016 solicits high quality submissions in areas related to the
theory and practice of automated analysis and verification of hardware
and software systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Formalisms for modeling hardware, software and embedded systems
* Specification and verification of finite-state, infinite-state and
parameterized system
* Program analysis and software verification
* Analysis and verification of hardware circuits, systems-on-chip and
embedded systems
* Analysis of real-time, hybrid, priced/weighted and probabilistic systems
* Deductive, algorithmic, compositional, and abstraction/refinement
techniques for analysis and verification
* Analytical techniques for safety, security, and dependability
* Testing and runtime analysis based on verification technology
* Analysis and verification of parallel and concurrent hardware/software
* Verification in industrial practice
* Applications and case studies
Theory papers should preferably be motivated by practical problems, and
applications should be based on sound theory and should solve problems
of practical interest.
ATVA invites research contributions in two categories:
* Regular research papers (with 16 pages page limit, including references)
* Tool papers (with 5 pages page limit, not counting references)
Contributions must be written in English and in LNCS format, and must
present original research that is unpublished and not submitted elsewhere
(conferences or journals). The proceedings of ATVA 2016 will be published
by Springer as a volume in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS). For formatting instructions, see:
PDF versions of the papers should be submitted to EasyChair:
Proofs and details omitted due to space constraints may be put in an
appendix. Any such additional material will be read by reviewers/program
committee members at their discretion. Authors are therefore urged to
include details necessary for evaluation of the technical merit of their
work within the prescribed page limits.
Tool papers must include information about a URL from where the tool
can be downloaded or accessed on-line for evaluation. The URL must also
contain a set of examples, and a user's manual that describes usage
of the tool through examples. In case the tool needs to be downloaded
and installed, the URL must also contain a document clearly giving
instructions for installation of the tool on Linux/Windows/MacOS.
Accepted papers in both categories will be published by Springer as
a LNCS volume. At least one author of each accepted paper must also
register for the conference and present the paper.
Selected papers will be invited for a publication in Formal Methods in
System Design, published by Springer.
Important Dates:
Abstract due: April 23
Paper due: April 26
Notification: June 6
Invited Speakers for keynotes and tutorials
Masahiro Fujita
Javier Esparza
Tevfik Bultan
Programme Committee Co-Chairs
Cyrille Artho
Axel Legay
Doron Peled
Publicity Chair
Takashi Kitamura (AIST, Japan)
Local Chairs
Mitsuharu Yamamoto (Chiba University, Japan)
Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi University, Japan)
Programme Committee
Toshiaki Aoki
Cyrille Artho
Christel Baier
Armin Biere
Tevfik Bultan
Franck Cassez
Krishnendu Chaterjee
Allesandro Cimatti
Rance Cleaveland
Deepak D'Souza
Allen Emerson
Bernd Finkbeiner
Radu Grosu
Klaus Havelund
Marieke Huisman
Ralf Huuck
Moonzoo Kim
Marta Kwiatkowska
Kim Larsen
Axel Legay
Tiziana Margaria
Madhavan Mukund
Anca Muscholl
Doron Peled
Andreas Podelski
Geguang Pu
Sven Schewe
Oleg Sokolsky
Marielle Stoelinga
Bow-Yaw Wang
Chao Wang
Farn Wang
Wang Yi
Naijun Zhan
Lijun Zhang
Huibiao Zhu
Tel: +81-6-6494-8054, AIST internal: *33-274-71902